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"My humanity switch flipped the second that sword went through Landon, but I gotta say it really seems to be working for me. I'm so sick of being controlled by my emotions. No wonder you let Nyx take control for so long. It's like, lose, love, grieve, repeat. I am finally free."

"It's not freedom."

"Don't try to talk me out of this. I'm not coming back."

Stella looks so scared, it makes Josie sick. "Then why did you bring me here?"

"To send a message. Make sure our little friends stay away too."

"I don't think they'll listen." She reaches into her coat, but Josie has the knife. She had grabbed it that morning when she woke up alone. Why didn't Stella take the knife?

"I'll make it loud and clear."

"Hope?" Stella stumbles back a step.

Hope looks as monstrous as Josie has ever seen her. "Sorry, cousin. We all gotta do what we gotta do."

Stella's spell only half goes off by the time Hope reaches her and throws her across the town square. The spell bursts apart, the half-hazard shield breaking against the force of Hope Mikaelson while Stella's surprised yelp echoes in Josie's ears. Josie feels herself gasping when Stella's back cracks the stone before she flops to the ground.

Hope is already there waiting, swinging her foot into Stella's gut. Stella hits the small set of stairs up to the monument, crawling back on her elbows. "Hope, stop," she begs. "Please, this isn't you."

Hope grabs the front of Stella's shirt, hoisting her half up into the air. "Oh, it is." Josie hears herself scream, can feel Lizzie's arms holding her back, as Hope's fist slams into Stella's cheek again and again. After the sixth punch, Stella slams the heel of her boot into Hope's shin. As Hope cries out, Stella drops to the stairs before scrambling to her feet and running.

She limps as she tries to get away, but Hope is faster. She knocks Stella to the ground once more, stepping up to kneel next to her. "I know you've been avoiding this since the whole destinies thing scared you, but here we are." Something flickers in Hope's eyes, her amber eyes slowly turning back to blue before they glow once more. "I know I said I loved you before, but lets be real, love is a weakness. It was holding me back, but now that I can't feel it... I've realized something. I am my father's daughter. Unfortunately, you are your mother's. History repeats itself, it seems."

A burst of flames explodes from Stella's chest into Hope's face. Josie watches hopelessly as Stella tries to run once more, only making it to a nearby bench when Hope catches up, pushing her through the stone, letting it break on her back. Hope wretches Stella up once more, pulls her fist back, readying the blow.

Stella flinches.

Hope hesitates. She lets go of Stella, lets her fall face-first into the broken stone and dusty grass. Stella's hands instantly move over her head as her body tries to curl in on itself, but Hope's foot is already pushing on her back.

"Get away from her."

Josie's heart drops when Hope follows the source of the voice, smirking, "Oh, yeah? You gonna try and make me?"

Fenrir's eyes glow silver in the dark but he does not go any closer. "I said get away from her now."

Hope narrows her eyes and removes her foot.

"Clever. You're not trying to kill her, so the bond isn't telling her eljun. But it told me. And I don't take kindly to people hurting my Chosen. Watch your back, Tribrid."

World on Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [4]Where stories live. Discover now