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She hopes Stella is having an easier time unconscious than Josie is now. It's hard to predict how others will react, how they will respond to things they don't understand. But, she does her best, falling into the role others expect of her.

That is why she sits in this circle with Cleo, MG, Ethan, and Finch as if this might actually help. Yes, she needs inspiration, but Cleo doesn't need to know what for.

"We'll find Hope," Cleo says, "but that is the future, and the key to unlocking her humanity lies in your past, so think back on the fondest memories you've shared."

Like trusting her. Like watching how hurt Stella was after the dress debacle. Like remembering how she killed Josie in the simulation. Like knowing that she broke every promise she made to Stella. Like how Hope Mikaelson betrayed her cousin and tried to kill her.

Like a bolt of lightning, inspiration strikes.

She sees a tree with red leaves and dark oak. She sees lightning flashing around them like a storm was brewing. She sees a snake curling around Hope's throat like a noose and an echoing crack of bone. She sees darkness falling with thunder.

"I have an idea," Josie says quickly as she opens her eyes, "but it's a lot. You go first."

"Mine will require some digging," Cleo replies, "and I'm uncertain if it will work."

Finch winces, saying, "Sorry, I don't really know Hope all that well."

"Same," Ethan nods. "I mean, she sort of taught me for like a month, but I doubt she remembers."

"It's cool," MG says. "You guys just leave this to those of us who know Hope best because I think I got something."

An alarm blares through the school, and Josie's heart drops. She places her hands against the stone floor, hiding the glow behind the pillows underneath her. When she looks down, she sighs seeing the red tint.

"What is that?" Ethan asks.

"The magical alarm I put in my dad's weapon cabinet after Cleo tried to kill Hope that one time," Josie replies with a small shrug.

"Super squad assemble," MG says with a determination that makes Josie melt. He has so much optimism, so much positivity. Stella would gag.

When MG drags both Josie and Cleo into the headmaster's office, Isaac and Vanessa are already there. Vanessa holds a hand out, stopping them from coming any closer, her eyes glowing blue as her claws poke out from her skin. Isaac doesn't fare any better, his shoulders tense and his hands in fists at his side.

"What are you doing here?" Isaac demands, his voice muffled by what Josie suspects to be his canines.

"At the moment, being preemptively annoyed by this conversation." The familiar voice makes Josie goes taught. She expected as much as Hope turns, the light illuminating her face as she smirks at them all. "I was actually hoping to raid Dr. Saltzman's weapons stash, which has obviously been emptied."

MG's hand grasps her own. She hadn't noticed the step she took or the way her jaw hurt from her grinding teeth. Right here, right now, all she can think of is how Stella begged for Hope to stop, begged for a sliver of the cousin she knew only for Hope to beat her senseless. Now, she has a chance to do good by Stella.

Josie thought she knew rage, but this is more. This is utter wrath waiting to be unleashed.

Cleo's voice sounds so far away. "I thought it prudent, given our history."

"Why do you need weapons?" Vanessa asks, her eyes fading.

"It's a long story," Hope says. "I may have to kill some vampires and witches and werewolves, and this place is a one-stop-shop for pointy things."

World on Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [4]Where stories live. Discover now