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Dirt stains Aaron's boots as he finishes digging the third grave. He won't dig a fourth until they find a body, something to put to rest, but Josette and Ric deserve their own peace, and Hope Mikaelson will find her hell. Beside him, Elizabeth nails a grave marker to the ground, a simple stick to mark the place of death.

The approaching horse does not tear his attention away as he walks over to Elizabeth, silently nodding his support. A voice sounds from behind, "I take it you're Elizabeth. Hello, Aaron."

He had only encountered the woman once before in passing. She had visited Stella's home, but Aaron was hurt and practically asleep when they argued. The words never made sense from what he could remember, but he does know Hope left empty-handed and upset. Stella had assured him that nothing would happen. She was wrong.

"You must be Hope Mikaelson," Elizabeth says as she narrows her eyes. "You're shorter than I thought."

"I dug this grave far too large, then," Aaron quips, hands on his hips.

Hope glances down at it. "So long as it fits both of you. Should we get right to it, then?"

"My sister's dead because of you, my uncle's dead because of you, Stella is dead because of you, and my father may yet die because of you, so we have nothing to discuss."

"You think either of you is faster than a vampire?" Hope asks, a hand hovering over her pistol.

"We'll find out when you draw," Aaron replies. "Did you give that same option to Stella?"

Hope's steely gaze falls on him. "She begged like you will for my mercy. Maybe I should've killed you long ago. Ladies first."

"I'm not a lady anymore," Elizabeth snaps.

It all happens to fast. Elizabeth reaches for Damon as Aaron grabs hold of Stefan, both raising in the air, but Hope is faster. A bullet pierces through Aaron's leg as one hits Elizabeth's shoulder. They fall to the ground, but Aaron does his best to crawl between them as Hope advances.

"You have a dark side, just like Josette and Stella," Hope says. "I could use people with that kind of grit. So, it's your choice." She cocks the gun. "Dead or alive." She offers her hand.

Aaron meets Elizabeth's eye, his finger twitching over the trigger. "I choose," she rasps, "dead." She swings her foot out as Aaron knocks her onto the grave marker. He helps Elizabeth to her feet as Hope stands, ripping the wood from her chest.

"I'm a tribrid. You can't kill me."

Aaron fires first into her shoulder. Hope stumbles back before Elizabeth shoots, sending her down into the grave. As they rush to the graveside, they watch as Hope's body disintegrates into ashes, floating away in the breeze.

Elizabeth sighs. "There's always a loophole."

Clapping echoes through the clearing. Aaron holds a hand out, trying to hide his limp and Elizabeth behind him as he turns to meet the sound. A figure walks towards them steadily, the air whipping around them violently as they become clearer.

"I have to thank you. You two did brilliantly," Stella says, soot covering her palms.

"Stella," Aaron breathes, limping a step forward. "But...how? They said you were dead."

She barely looks at him as her eyes dart to the grave. "Like puppets led on a string. You eliminated the problem effortlessly. My cousin never stood a chance."

"Your cousin?" Elizabeth breathes. "Josette is dead, you know."

"Sweet, naive Elizabeth. You know I would give my life for your sister. Jo?"

World on Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [4]Where stories live. Discover now