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Warning: gets a little spicy in this first section but nothing explicit

Finally, a moment alone. Stella can't help but chuckle to herself as she drags Josie from the confines of the school, the cool air hitting her bare arms comfortingly though a chill runs down her spine. It had been a day since Stella's trip to Malivore, and it has been difficult, to say the least. She keeps thinking about that eljun and Malivore's threats, but spending even one moment alone with Josie makes all the stress worth it.

Isaac had wanted to meet, but Stella got them out of it with a small falsehood. She isn't truly feeling unwell; she and Josie just have a different meeting to attend. With each other. Undisturbed.

So, the moment Isaac had given her the ok to skip the squad meeting, she had kidnapped Josie from Lizzie's grasp. They were both running, racing out from the school they had escaped from. Lizzie agreed to make up an excuse, so they're home free to do whatever they please.

"Where are we going?" Josie asks breathlessly as Stella continues pulling her deeper into the woods. "Don't tell me this is some weird horror film."

"Nope," Stella grins as she finally pauses. "Just thought you'd appreciate a getaway and a swift exit. No squad meeting, no Malivore, just us."

Josie narrows her eyes playfully as her hands wrap around Stella's waist. "You spoke to Lizzie."

"More like Lizzie spoke to me," Stella admits. A few hours prior, Stella had been looking through stacks of books when Lizzie had appeared, seemingly out of thin air, to inform Stella that Josie needs the night off. That Josie had wanted to spend time with her alone. That Lizzie would personally destroy Stella if she didn't distract Josie in her own special way. Lizzie's words, not her own. "I heard someone's a little tightly wound?"

"Lizzie's just annoyed," Josie sighs. "You didn't have to do this."

With a smirk, Stella takes a step forward until their chests press together. "What if I said I also wanted some alone time?"

A smile grows on Josie's lips. "I'd say that's convenient."

"And Lizzie doesn't have to know that."

"No, she does not."

"She also doesn't need to know how exactly I distract you." Pushing up on her toes, Stella barely gets to eye level with Josie, her gaze drifting down to her lips. "Remember that whole taking it slow thing?"

Josie nods, biting her lip.

"Wanna take it fast?"

"Thought you'd never ask." Josie sighs into the kiss she instigates, her hands cupping Stella's face as they two stumble around until Josie's back hits the trunk of a tree. Both giggle together, though Stella's mouth quickly becomes occupied with Josie's even as her hands trail down to Josie's waist, teasing the girl by allowing her fingers to gently graze the small area of exposed skin from Josie's crop top.

Josie gasps softly when Stella's palms press against her hips. "Real fast, huh?" Josie whispers.

"Too much?"

"Not enough." Josie brings Stella closer, once again connecting their lips as Stella feels her hands tangle in Stella's hair, softly pulling back. A groan escapes her throat as she begins to trail feather-light kisses down Josie's neck, happily letting her teeth graze the skin when she hears the surprised gasps from Josie.

Pulling away, Stella stares up into Josie's dark eyes. "To be completely honest," Stella says, her breath coming out much too quickly. "I didn't really plan on this, but I'm not complaining."

World on Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [4]Where stories live. Discover now