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Stella never truly understood what an out-of-body experience meant until this moment. She knows she is standing at the war table beside Josie, she knows Jed, Lizzie, Aaron, and MG stand with her while Isaac and Vanessa listen to Jed's information. She knows that Kaleb is gone, corrupted by Malivore, and so is Hope. The one time she could protect her cousin, and she falls asleep. Typical. If only she had enough energy, enough power...

She knows all this, yet she does not feel the ground beneath her feet. The rough wood of the table she knows lays beneath her fists is numbing, and the lights that would normally bother her simply act as the background in this odd-like play she participates in.

"So we split up," Jed explains. The voices come through clearly but none of it feels real. "I followed Kaleb here where I picked up Hope's scent too."

"The old train depot," Isaac sighs with his arms crossed. Stella chances a look up to see Vanessa discretely staring at Isaac's profile, a small frown on her face. Isaac himself does not appear too happy, his brows furrowed and his knuckles pale against his arms.

"Where's Wade?" MG asks.

Jed shrugs. "He's still tracking Ethan. Malivore's obviously controlling them and those townies now. But, at least, the ones Kaleb and Ethan are converting don't seem to be monsters."

"We're all monsters to someone." The words spill from Stella's lips before she can even recognize them. She looks down when everyone glances at her.

Lizzie clears her throat. "Dimmest bright side ever. We have to find a way to snap them out of it somehow."

"And a way to bring back Landon and Cleo," Josie adds. Stella feels her eljun's hand rest atop her own closed fist, gently lacing their fingers together. The table becomes rougher against her skin, air finally passing down into her lungs more easily.

"Malivore is trying to split us up," Vanessa says. "It's a battle strategy, and so far, he's failed. But now, we may have to fight on multiple fronts unless we choose." She turns to face Isaac. "What's it gonna be?"

Isaac bites his lip. "We can't let Malivore harm the humans, and we can't defeat him without Hope either. If we launch a full-on assault, innocent people are going to get hurt. Or worse." His gaze meets Stella's. "I'm gonna go it alone."

"Uh, hell no," she snaps. "No fucking way, Isaac. We know Malivore is trying to split us up."

"Yeah, but he doesn't know something. Something that will make him lose, but I know it. Each of you are capable of winning this battle. Together. As a pack, a family. So, before you try and talk me out of this, know that you won't change my mind."

"Then I'm coming with you."

"We'll need your help with the spells," Josie says softly.

Clenching her hands, Stella sighs through her nose. "The moment the spells are done, I'm coming to help you."

Isaac shakes his head. "I'm not going to talk you out of it. Vanessa?"

Vanessa takes a deep breath as she holds Stella's gaze. "Right now, this can't be about guilt—"

"This isn't about my guilt. This is about making sure no one goes out there alone. When we're alone, we're vulnerable," Stella replies. "So, I'll be there. I promise."

Isaac exchanges a look with Vanessa. "Keep an eye on our mystery guest and keep Lexi busy. We don't need an angry Lexi on top of all this," he mutters under his breath before he walks off. Vanessa watches him go, her eyes narrowing after his retreating figure.

"I guess this makes me the adult," Vanessa sighs as she turns back to them. "Nevertheless, I know you kids are capable, and I am not nearly experienced enough for this, so what next?"

World on Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [4]Where stories live. Discover now