Chapter 24: Meeting Saradas Friends

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(Picture above is Y/ns outfit is what she will were as her signature outfit. I might change her signature outfit in the future)

(Imagine the symbol on her shoulder is Uchiha crest instead the outfit color is red like Saradas outfit)

                               (TIME SKIP)                                    

                                 (Y/N POV)

I woke up and stretch my arms and let out a big yawn, i see that the wolf pup on my lap sleeping on me. I should think of a name for her hmm what name would be good for her. I get out of bed, which causes the pup to wake up. I smile at her and say "Alright we need a name for you. How about Eva?"

She shakes her head, I say "Ok, how about Dusk?"

She shakes her head again and I huff and say, "Wow your picky, Um how about Luna?"

She wags her tail, and she gets all excited, I chuckle, and I say, "Alright Luna Uchiha it is."

I leave my room with Luna following behind me, I get her food and set it on the side and make myself some breakfast. I see its 5am, so no one is up. I have finished making breakfast I go to the dining room and take a seat at the table and set Lunas's food on the floor in her new bowl I bought.

After breakfast I decide that we should go and walk around the outskirts of town so Luna can run free. I left a note just in case someone wakes up and notices I'm gone, I get dressed and with that we are on our way. We make our way around town and see the morning sun in the sky that doesn't have a could present. We go to the woods so she can walk around and everything, after playing we head back home. We get home I see Sarada up talking with mom while they are both at the table eating breakfast. I say "Hey, guys!"

Sarada looks up at me excitedly, Mom smiles at me and says "Well, good morning to you too Y/n. How did you sleep?"

I smile and say "I slept well, me and Luna got up early this morning and took a walk around the outskirts of the village in the woods."

Sarada and mom look at me questionably and Sarada says "Um who's Luna?"

I smile and say "Oh I forgot mom, remember the pup I saved."

Mom nods her head with a smile. I say "Well during our walk I started thinking on names, she declined alot of them."

I look a Luna with a blank face and say "But she liked the name Luna and took a liking too the name instantly."

Sarada says "Wait a minute pup? When did you get a pup?"

I sweat drop and nervously say "Well the first night that I stayed her, I missed our uncle so i went to the hockage rock to think and I saw a wolf pup that was hurt. I gained it's trust and brought it back here and healed it and stitched it up since it looked like someone tried to shoot her and it resulted in grazed her stomach.

I was worried mom would be angry that I brought an animal into the house without her permission also I needed her to check if I messed anything up. In the end mom let me keep her I later told dad and he approved. I guess neither of them told you, I'm sorry. Do you want to see her?"

Sarada smiles and says "Wait so you own a pup! Oh my god I always wanted a pet even if it's not mine."

I say "She's mostly mine and yours Sarada."

Her eyes sparkle and she says "Awesome!!!"

Mom smiles and says "Actually before Sarada meets Luna, I need to tell you something."

I say "Alright, wait am I in trouble for leaving without tell you or dad, Because I left a note saying where I was."

Mom says "No your going with Sarada today to meet her friends and maybe be friends with them."

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