After returning from Hinata's house. Sakura put the twins in the playpen while she cleaned a bit.
————————-After A little While——————-
Sakura hears the front door open and close, she turns around and sees Sasuke. Sasuke said "I'm home." Sakura smiled and said "Welcome home,"
They hear the twins crying so they both go and check on them. When they get to the playpen Sakura knows what wrong, she knows their hungry. So Sakura starts making dinner for her and Sasuke. Sasuke starts working on making baby food for the twins. During dinner Sasuke told Sakura that he'll bring the twins to see Naruto tomorrow. Naruto really wants to see them he is so excited. She agree and told Sasuke "Just get back here before dinner."
After dinner they cleaned up the kitchen they gave the twins a bath then put them to bed and they went to their room and went to sleep.————————-The Next Day———————————
After Sakura packed the baby bag and got the twins ready Sakura kissed Sasuke on the cheek, then Sasuke took the twins to go to Naruto's office. They finally get to Naruto's office. Sasuke knocks on the door and hear a "Come in" from the other side. Sasuke enters the office and sees Naruto sitting at his desk doing work. Sasuke has a small smile and says "Well someone is busy?" Naruto looks up surprised to see Sasuke and goes up to him and hugs him. Naruto says "Yep I am working my butt off, how are the twins? I hear from Hinata that they are so cute, I wish I could see them." Naruto said with a sad face, while not noticing the twins behind Sasuke in their stroller. Sasuke said "Look who I brought." Sasuke moves the stroller with the twins in it to the side. So it's in front of Naruto so he can see them. Naruto Smiles a big smile and says "They are so cute what did you guys name them?" Sasuke chuckles and then says "This one is Sarada." Sasuke points to Sarada then Sasuke points to y/n and says "And this one is Y/N." Naruto looks at the twins and asks "Can I hold one of them? Hinata said she held Y/N and I want to hold one of them or both of them." Sasuke looked at Naruto for a minute and said "Sure here let me get you Sarada, I'll hold Y/N." Sasuke picked Sarada up and handed her to Naruto then Sasuke picked up Y/N. Sarada was sleeping in Naruto's arms. Y/N looked up at her dad and giggled. Sasuke looked at Y/N and smiled at her and Y/N cooed at him. Naruto looked at them and said "I think Y/N is gonna be a daddy's girl." Sasuke nodded his head as he gave a small chuckle.—After Sasuke Left Naruto's office with the twins——
They got home and the twins were passed out, Sasuke opened the front door and said "We're home!" Sakura ran to the living rooms greet them and saw her twins passed out. She smiled and said
"I made dinner I'll put the twins to sleep then we can eat." After Sakura put them to sleep she went to the dining room,sat down and ate dinner with Sasuke. After a hour they were getting ready to go to bed. They got into bed and snuggled with each other and fell asleep.
But little did they know something is going to happen that night.
—————————It's Midnight———————————
Sasuke and Sakura hear a window break in the twins room. They ran into ready to fight they opened the twins bedroom door. They saw the room is a wreck they hear crying,they ran to the crib. Only to see Sarada then they heard a footstep come out of the dark corner of the room.Then they saw a dark silhouette of someone holding a sleeping Y/N. Their eyes widen as they saw that it was........

Y/N Uchiha
AventuraSo you are Y/N Uchiha you are the twin sister of Sarada Uchiha and the daughter of Sakura and Sasuke Uchiha. (You look more and act more like you dad but you have long black hair) (Sarada looks more acts more like Sakura but has the Uchiha hair and...