So you are Y/N Uchiha you are the twin sister of Sarada Uchiha and the daughter of Sakura and Sasuke Uchiha.
(You look more and act more like you dad but you have long black hair) (Sarada looks more acts more like Sakura but has the Uchiha hair and...
NEED TO READ BELOW IT'S IMPORTANT!! Heads up Sarada doesn't know she has a sister. So Sakura told her the reason why Sasuke has been gone. Is because he is going on a long mission for the Hokage. Just so you know.
——————-With Sasuke———————— Sasuke is making his way home to see Sakura don Sarada. Since it's been 11 years of searching for his daughter Y/N. He wanted to surprise them, but he was afraid on coming back without finding Y/N. After a few minutes he reached the Uchiha house, he knocked on the door and waited for a response. The door opened to see his daughter Sarada her eyes widened, then Sakura came to the front door and asked "What's wrong?" Sasuke says "I'm home!" Then after he said that Sakura fainted. Sasuke signed and picked Sakura up off the ground and put her on the couch. Sarada went to get her unconscious mother a wet face clothe and placed it on her forehead.
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Sarada then looked at Sasuke with a wondering face and asked "What are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining." Sasuke chuckled and looked at Sarada in the eye and said "I heard about the Chunin Exams and that you are going to participate. So I came back to see you." Sarada's eyes widened and sparkles. Sarada then asks "So...How long are you going to be here for?" Sasuke looked down at his hand and said "Until after the Chunin exams are done they'll have to leave." Sarada said "Oh um ok. At least You came home and stay here!"😁😊 After a while Sakura awoke and everything went back to normal and she made dinner.
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Once they were done with dinner everyone got ready for bed. Everyone went to sleep except Sasuke and Sakura. ———In Sasuke and Sakura Bedroom—— Sakura came out of the bathroom and said "So are you excited to see Sarada in the Chunin Exams?" Sasuke chuckled and said "Yes I am, I'm proud of her." then his eyes had sadness in them. Sakura looked at her husband with concern in her eyes. Then she asked "What's wrong I thought you would be happy to be home?" Sasuke looked at her and ask "Do you remember Y/N?" At the mention of her name his wife's eyes widened and filled with sorrow. Sakura nodded her head and said "Yes. A day doesn't go bye that I don't think of her. I heard from Naruto that you have yet to find her or Itachi." Sasuke looked up at his wife and said "Yes, I tried everywhere but I couldn't find them that either means they have been on the move. Or that their...." Sakura saw on his eyes that he truest tried with everything he has. But after the Chunin Exams he was going to go back out and continue looking for him. She pulled him into a loving hug,while rubbing his back and saying " ssshhh, it's ok you'll find her I know it. And don't give up your an Uchiha and they never quit." After she hugged him she let him go and got into bed. Sakura snuggled up to her wife and fell asleep.