Christmas Special

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(Doesn't go with the story all the event that happened in this story does not happen.)
(Just a fun story because it Christmas)

——————————-Y/N POV——————-
It's Christmas morning and I jump up out of bed so excited because today is Christmas!!
I run into mom and dads room and shake dad to wake him up.
I say "Come on dad it's Christmas, you gotta wake up. Please."
He opens his eyes and sighed then says "Alright I'm up let's get you mother and Sarada up as well. Then we can go to the living room to open gifts."
Once he said that I smiled and said "let's do it dad!"
I went to Sarada room to wake her up
Dad said he would wake mom up and I didn't argue.

———————-Sasuke Pov—————————
I woke up to y/n saying it's Christmas wake up. Please.
So I got up looked next to me to see Sakura still asleep. Then turn back to y/n and tell her to get Sarada up and I'll wake Sakura up then we can open gifts. After I said that she nodded her head and said "ok"
I looked at Sakura and gently shook her she started stirring but then went back to sleep. So I shook her again and said "Sakura it's time to wake up. It Christmas."
Right as I said It's Christmas she got right out of bed and landed on the floor next to the bed. I looked at her trying not to laugh and the pout she had was so funny I could help but laugh.
After we got dressed we went to the living room to hear laughing. We turn the corner to see y/n and Sarada laugh and waiting for us.

————————-Y/N POV——————————
Me and Sarada are talking about what we think we are getting for Christmas I want a new outfit for the holidays. Sarada wants new glasses. We both want books.
Sarada was telling me a funny part of a book and I couldn't help but laugh. We are waiting for mom and dad to get in the living room.
After a few minutes we heard footsteps and look to see mom and dad smiling. We look up at them and smile cutely. Mom and dad sat on the couch and me and Sarada sat on the ground near the tree. Mom said "Ok girls you can open your gifts first, then we will open the gifts you got us." Me and Sarada looked at each other and nodded our heads. Then Sarada got our gift and placed them next to us so it's easier for us to get them. To be honest we didn't ask for a lot this year so there was not a lot of gifts which we are ok with. We both got three gifts one is our socking that are all red but the difference is it has our names in black yarn on them.
The first gift of mine I picked up looked like the picture below.

I get all excited thinking did mom and dad buy me a new outfits for me to wear on the holidays! I open the box up to see, I got a new outfit I ask my parents if I can go change into it right now and they said yes

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I get all excited thinking did mom and dad buy me a new outfits for me to wear on the holidays!
I open the box up to see, I got a new outfit I ask my parents if I can go change into it right now and they said yes. So I ran into the bathroom and change once I'm done I come out and walk to the living room. Once I get to the living room my parents and Sarada love the outfit and tell me to go and look in the mirror.
I look in the mirror

I look in the mirror

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