Chapter 16: Final Round!!!

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The Final round:
Shinki Vs Boruto Vs Sarada Vs Y/n L/n
—————————ITACHI POV————————
I look all night around the village to find y/n and nothing.
I hope she's ok, don't worry y/n I'll find you.
I can't believe they took her, when I see those two I'll kill them but I'm still going to the final exams. I have a feeling something is going to happen at the final exams.
I have a bad feel about all of this.
I go on the roof of the stadium I stay in the shadows and wait.

————————SASUKE POV———————
Something is going to happen today I just know it but I don't know what.
I have to put that aside and support Sarada.

————————NARUTO POV——————
I talked with Sasuke earlier before the exams and he agrees with me. That something is going to happen. I must stay on the alert, keep a close eye on everything.

———————THE FINAL RIUND—————
On the bored has Y/n Vs Shinki Vs Sarada Vs Boruto.
They announce says "The Final round has the remaining 3 plus the only solo person. Those people are Boruto Vs Shinki Vs Sarada and Y/n!!"
On the arena Boruto, Sarada and Shinki are ready to fight.

————————NARUTO POV———————
Where that heck is y/n she should be here for the final round.
I look at Shikamaru and say "You haven't heard anything about y/n not being here have you?"
Shikamaru shakes his head and says "No, it's weird and a lot of people wanted to see her fight again."
Hmm this is strange.

—————————3RD POV————————
Sarada looks around and asks "where is
Y/n? Are we still gonna be aloud to fight?"
Lee says "You will still fight. We will sort this out later."
The Lee announces "It appears
Y/n L/n is not here that means she will be disqualified. So the fight will be just Shinki Vs Boruto Vs Sarada! Let's let the fight begin!!"
Then on the bored it's says "Y/N L/N is disqualified! Start The Fight!!"

————Time Skip To The Fight—————
Shinki starts by throwing black sand shards everywhere trying to hit Sarada and Boruto.
Sarada and Boruto agree to work together against Shinki.
The decide to attack at the same time.
Boruto summons 4 shadow clones that each had paper bombs on kunia.
Sarada did a fall ball jutsu and sent it to Shinki at the same time that the Boruto clones threw the kunias at Shinki.
When the smoke clears up they see a black sand ball that surrounds Shinki like a barrier.
Shinki make two Hug hands of black sand and send each one to either Sarada or Boruto.
But they deflect them and see electro attached to Shinki and the big black sand hands.
They decide to make a electro energy on shuriken.
So Boruto and his four clones and Sarada  create the electro on their shurikens.
Then they throw them at Shinki.
But Shinki stops them with one of his big black sand hands.
The hands get Boruto and Sarada in its grip and are squeezing them.
They struggle to get out of its iron grip.
Boruto frees his hand and creates a shadow clone, that help Sarada free her hands.
Sarada creates another fireball jutsu and aims it at Shinki.
He let's go of Boruto and Sarada in order to block the fireball jutsu.
Then Shinki turned his black sand hands into big black bigs and send black sand sharp feathers at Sarada.
She tries dodging them she succeeds until the feathers come back from the ground and attack her.
Then the impact sends her into the wall of the arena and Since she badly injured she is unable to fight and she is knocked out.
Lee announces "Sarada Uchiha is unable to continue!!"
Boruto makes two shadow clones and creates a powerful energy jutsu and launches himself at Shinki but he uses his black sand as a barrier.
Then Boruto uses purple lightening, that defeats the black sand Barrier and attacks Shinki.
The purple lightening attack hit Shinki and sends him fly back in to a wall.
Lee announces "The Winner,uh correction The Champion is Boruto Uzumaki!!"
Boruto is celebrating but his dad comes down to the arena Boruto has his hand up waiting for his dad to give him a fist pump.
But Naruto looks at him disappointed and grabs Boruto a hand and sees a ninja tool.
Lee announces "Boruto has been disqualified for using an illegal ninja tool!"
Naruto takes Boruto headband off his head and says "You are also disqualified as a ninja!"
A man comes down with a cameraman saying how he gave Boruto the ninja tool to see how it worked and he would tell everyone after the exams.
But before he could continue talking someone smashed into the arena.

Naruto pushes Boruto behind him a and Lee and Shikadai enter the arena to help

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Naruto pushes Boruto behind him a and Lee and Shikadai enter the arena to help.
But the man punches the ground hard and makes the ground shake like a earth quake.
The force of the punch sends everyone in the arena back a bit.
The earthquake like punch destroys the whole stadium and arena.

————————SAKURA POV——————
Who the heck is this?
He has strong strength, that was one punch and created like and earthquake.
The roof above from where I'm siting fell of the pillars and almost landed on everyone.
So I punched it so it broke and sent it away from the stadium.
Tameri is right behind me and we get ready to save everyone.
I look around and see other ninja helping I see Garra holding the roofs up by his sand for the citizens to leave.
Then I see Sarada helping kids leave.

———————Author Note————————
Just incase your wondering.
Y/n still has her sharingan even though now she has black and red eyes.
I so I just notice that Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki is a boy, but I put him down as a girl so just go with it sorry.
Hope you guys like this chapter.
Next coming out in a few days.
I just found this meme.

I just found this meme

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