Chapter 25: Parent & Child Day

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I woke up to Sarada waking me up. Shes shaking my shoulders I groan and turn to her and rub my eyes. I sleepily say "What's going on?"
Sarada says "Todays the day I get to learn Jutsus from you and I can teach you what I know."

I say "Alright just give me a few minutes so I can get ready and we can leave. Oh can Luna come with us?"

Sarada says "I don't see why not, Now lets go!"

I couldn't help but smile at my sister at how excited she is to be learning new Jutsus and teaching me what she knows. Once I'm ready I meet Sarada and Luna at the front door we both tell mom we are leaving and we head to the training grounds.

(Meanwhile In The Village 3rd Pov)

Boruto is on his way to the training grounds to get ready to train. He walks into Sasuke and Boruto says "When did you get back? You probably came back for Family day. To see Y/n and Sarada."

Sasuke raises a brow in confusion and says "What's that?"

Boruto says "It's a day when parents weither they are ninja or not get the day off from work and missions to be with their families. My dad has the day off and is spending time with Himawari, he should be around here somewhere. They set up thing for families to do like booths for games and food and etc."

Sasuke says "Where would Y/n and Sarada be?"

Boruto thinks for a minute and says "The training grounds they mentioned they would be training today along with some sparring."

Sasuke says "Thanks."

With that Sasuke leaves and makes his way to the training grounds. He stops Infront of the river. He has a flashback to when he was training with his father. Sasuke was really young, his father showed him the fire jutsu breathing justu on the water. Sasuke wanted to try only for him to have a small flame. His father looks at him with a disappointing and stern face, he scoffs and says "What was I thinking you're not like Itachi."

With that he leaves a sad and upset Sasuke on the dock watching his father go back to the vilege. Later young Sasuke tells his father he has mastered the jutsu and for him to watch. They are back at the river Sasuke does the jutsu with his flame bigger then before. Sasuke excitingly looks at his father only to see a stern look with no sign of approval or even a smile. His father turns away and leaves. Sasuke thinks to himself "I won't be like my father."

(Y/n Pov)

Me and Sarada decide to take a break and go to the river to relax for a bit also because Luna is thirsty. Once at the river we see dad infron of us looking out towards the river. Luna runs to the river and starts drinking the cold water and accidently get dad wet, oops. Sarada says "Dad? So your back home since when."

Dad says "Just a little bit ago."

I say "But wait what are you doing out here?"

Dad says "Boruto told me I could find you both out here."

Sarada confusingly says "Boruto did?"

Sarada then chuckles, Dad says "So are you both training?"

I say "Well um actually"

Dad says "Want to check out the festival?"

Sarada gets excited and says "Can we really?"

Dad nods his head, we start walk to the village and Luna is at my side. I say "Um what festival?"

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