So you are Y/N Uchiha you are the twin sister of Sarada Uchiha and the daughter of Sakura and Sasuke Uchiha.
(You look more and act more like you dad but you have long black hair) (Sarada looks more acts more like Sakura but has the Uchiha hair and...
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——————————Y/n POV————————— Once this whole exams are over with I can't wait to go home and see everyone. Right now I'm on my way to meet dad (Itachi) I see him at the training area. Just as I'm about to walk to him I hear him talking to someone. It sounds like a man with calm voice. I'm gonna stay hidden just incase this person does something.
————A FEW MINUTES EARLIER———— ————————ITACHI POV———————— Right now I'm in the training ground waiting to see y/n and to wish her luck. I hear footsteps I think it's y/n until I see chakra which only belongs to my little brother. I think having a little smirk on my face. Then I hear "Itachi is that you?" I turn around to be met with Sasuke that had wide eyes. He asks "What are you doing? Especially after what you have done?" I simply say "I'm just here to watch the chuin Exams. I'm not doing anything wrong." I say with no emotion.
———————PRESENT TIME————————- Me and Sasuke are fighting. After a few more minutes we both lost a lot of chakra. I decide to knock him out the easy way without using any chakra. I walk up to him and hold the collar of his shirt and he whispers "What did you do to my daughter y/n?" I smirk and say "You'll see in time." Then I punch him in the face and he collapsed on the ground. I sigh and look around and I sense y/n chakra behind a tree near by. I say "Y/n I know your there come out."
—————————Y/N POV—————————- I walk out from behind the tree and see the man knocked out on the ground and I see dad panting I'm guessing he used a lot of his chakra fighting. I look at him and say "So I'm assuming he knew you should we be worried?" He shook his head and said "No, he only knows of me he doesn't know about you since your under a different last name so your safe." I look from the man to dad and say "What about you? I don't care if I'm safe I care about you!" Dad sighs and says "I'll be fine. Anyway I wanted to wish you luck for the final battles tomorrow." I sigh then say "I think I can win this. I hope your proud of me." Dad smiles and says "I'll always be proud of you even if you fail as long as you try." I smile and see how late it is and say "I should be going, I have to get some rest for tomorrow." He nods his head and says "Goodnight." I say "Goodnight." I jump away and make my way to the hokage Rock to see the village light up.
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I sigh and think, I wonder if I'll win tomorrow. I suddenly feel dizzy. What the hell I was fine a minute ago. I decide to sit down on the ground. Then out of no where I hear footsteps near me. I sense a powerful chakra I've never seen before. Before I can turn around I feel myself fall backwards towards the ground but don't feel the harsh pain of the impact. I feel someone catch me but who? I black out not without hearing someone yell out my name. I hear "Y/N!!!!!" Then all become silent as I black out entirely.
——————-MINUTES EARLIER————— —————————ITACHI POV———————— I waited for Sasuke to wake up from the punch to the face. After a few minutes he awoke and got up fast and got into a fighting position, with his sword pointed at me. I sigh and say "You are awww are that we don't have to fight right?" He huffed and growled then said "I want to fight you! After you took y/n from us we all were in mourning. I searched for my little girl for 11 years! And I still couldn't find her! This will be revenge for you taking her!!" I sigh and got into a fighting potion and said "If your sure. But since it's already too late at night let's do this tomorrow after the final exams?" I looked at him in the eye and saw sadness and anger. He take a deep sigh and says "Alright, Fine!" I say "I'll make you a deal you beat me in the fight and I'll tell you where y/n is, is that far?" He nods his head and says" If you lose you leave the village for good!" After he left to go home I was jumping from roofs to roofs until I got to the hokage rock and heard a noise. I go to see what it is and see a silhouette I look closer and see it's y/n I was about to go to her but I saw her fall and I yell her name "Y/N!!!" Right as I get closer to her a see a man and a woman that I remember seeing before.
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the man caught y/n before she fell to the ground. The woman said "Is this her the Y/n Uchiha girl?" The man nodded his head. Looks closer at her and says "This is all going according to plan. Come on we must be going." As she says that the man lifts y/n unconscious body in his arm carrying her bridal style. Right as I run at them they disappear.