I've been spending more time in the living room, talking to Stan. The conversations we carry are completely randomized, considering that Stan is probably two people. Well, that's how Dipper has put it. Apparently this "Bill" dude, who the twins thought I was, is actually living deep in Stanley's mind. I say we got along well, well, until Stan tried to shoot me with a gun after recommending pain as "good comedy."
Yeah...now I'm not allowed to go downstairs without supervision from somebody considered "stable." Hey, on the bright side, there are cheese crackers and puzzle books to keep me busy now. Rather nerdy, but I can't complain. These puzzles are definitely easier than working out who is Bill and who is Stan.
I'm halfway through the first book when Mabel finally makes it upstairs. I close the book and get to my feet. Mabel is always a joy to be around here, especially when you compare her to her brother. Dipper's nice and all, but Mabel doesn't constantly think I'm a servant of evil.
"Mabel!" I greet, "What did you plan for today? Knitting? Origami? Lay it on me!"
"Even better!" Mabel shoots back, "A sleepover!"
I give the idea a thought before my smile turns into a frown, "Was this Dipper's idea?"
Mabel pauses. She has that look on her face when she didn't think she'd need to come up with an excuse, but is now stuck having to come up with one. It happens almost every time Dipper comes up with an "investigation idea" and depends on Mabel to give it to me for him. Mabel sighs and nods her head.
"But it's not just Dipper's this time!" Mabel says in a rush, "Grunkle Ford wants to make sure that Grunkle Stan isn't contagious, and since you're the one who hung out with him the most..."
"...I'd be the best sample in this shack," I complete Mabel's thought in disgusted realization. Can demon possession really spread from person to person like a cold? The idea of it is kinda ridiculous, but Stanford is about as jumpy as Dipper. You can't even say Bill's name around him unless Stanford himself is the one to initiate the topic.
"If it means I can go home, then so be it," I finally decide, "We'll have a sleepover." I face Mabel with a cautious smile. Mabel grins back and basically hops on her feet.
"I'll tell them that you said 'yes' right now!" Mabel hurries her way down the stairs. I watch Mabel disappear to the bottom floor. I sit back down and reopen that good ol' puzzle book. The day is young and the sleepover shouldn't be starting until dusk.
Dusk comes and the participants are making sure I'm comfortable. Dipper, Mabel, and Stanford all crowd me as if they're a bunch of surgeons performing the world's most precise surgery. Dipper and Ford mutter among each other as Mabel keeps me distracted.
After a few minutes, the needles of Ford's wacky brain-reading machine go into my head. I wince in pain as the needles find their way through my skull and to the flesh protected inside. Mabel says something, but after having sedatives be put into my veins, I couldn't quite tell you what she said. I close my eyes and meet darkness.
I stand alone in the void. There are no cheese crackers, and there are no puzzle books. Only infinite nothingness. I blindly walk forward. I don't know why I would walk when I know exactly what I'll see ahead, but I walk. There is something almost eerie about this dream of mine. It's almost like the source is not of my own mind, but from something else. Something...foreign.
Nothing becomes something as I find myself in a world that is rather...abstract. The space is white, but shapes and lines decorate everything around me. I keep walking until I find the only sign of life in my dream: A two-dimensional triangle struggling to get out of the white "floor." All I see connected to it is a top hat and a full set of limbs. I slowly approach, shoulders tense, and crouch down.
His Little Dove (Bill Cipher X Reader)
FanfictionReader is a strange little one. They enjoy the disturbing and the macabre, so much so they don't really have any friends. All of that changes when The Mystery Twins finds them and suspects Reader of being this evil demon called "Bill Cipher." They i...