Chapter Five

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(The Next Day)

I barged into the main room holding my violin. 

"Bored!"  I placed my violin on the armchair then grabbed my gun.  John who had been reading the newspaper jumped up,

"Sherlock do not shoot the wall I've got a splitting headache,".  He attempted to grab it off me but I just fired at the smiley faced wall hitting the smiley face right between the eyes.  But the boredom stayed, driving me to insanity.  I grabbed Johns' shoulders shaking them slightly with every word,

"John get me a case!" He just rolled his eyes.  Lucy came walking in carrying her handbag.  I studied her and smirked, she's going to work even though she's worried about Irene, she's planning on staying in tonight but that won't be happening.  I diverted my gaze to John who had gone back to  reading his newspaper. I quickly checked front page for anything about me there's nothing.  I wonder how long until they find out: the people who spread the gossip, the life wreckers, the press.  A loud slam signalled that Lucy had left.  "John I'm going out,"  he gave me a stern look,

"No following Lucy, she needs one moment with out you pining after her" I frowned.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He just smiled down at the newspaper,

"Oh nothing." I just sighed before walking out.


The cabbie drove me to my work place, a small but successful bistro in Northumberland Street.  As soon as we stopped I could feel the nerves, Andre my boss is my ex.  I got out then paid the cabbie before heading inside.  Before I could even say hello I was pulled into a hug by Antonio, my a bit too openly bisexual friend.  Andre hates Antonio, well Antonio is flirty with him.  I headed into the kitchen then pulled on my apron trying to ignore Andres' gaze.  Slowly the day rolled by me going over the same routine as always until the working day ended.  I hung up my apron then headed out of the door but was pulled aside by no other then Sherlock. 

"Lucy, I need you to come with me," before I could say no he was dragging me along the street .

He stopped a cab then pulled us both inside then said to the cabbie.

"Seymont Road,".  The cabbie nodded the started to drive.  I relaxed into the seat,

"Sherlock why do you need me?"

 He simply replied

"Bait,".  Oh fantastic, I'm bait for some probably physcopathic criminal.  

I felt Shelock's gaze settle on me,

"Lucy I promise you won't get killed."  My eyes wondered to the world speeding past beside me.  He's right he wouldn't let me die, but still I can't help but worry. 

"Lucy I've got a good cover for us to go on but as soon as we pass the first coffee shop on the left hand side I need you to go down that alleyway and knock on the butchers door, okay?" I simply nodded. 

The cab stopped and Sherlock pulled me out before paying the driver and shutting the door. 

"So Sherlock whats this cover thing about?" I almost yelped when he wrapped a arm around my shoulders then kissed my cheek. 

"Lucy, don't worry about that play were doing, it's our time away from the others and I've got something planned." I thought of one the most embarrassing memories and made my self blush.  I smiled up at him,

The Detective (A Sherlock Fan-Fic) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now