Chapter Fifteen

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The next morning


I opened my eyes and stared at the space where Sherlock was supposed to  be.  The sound of traffic driving past made me want to cover my ears.  All of a sudden Sherlock jumped onto the bed

"Get up!  We need to get to the scene!"

"But it's way to early!"

"Lucy, it's ten A.M, get up!"  He pushed me off the bed and onto the hard wooden floor, owwwww.  I sat up and glared upwards at a annoyed looking Sherlock then sighed in defeat, why does he some how always get his way? 

Twenty minutes later we were sitting in a cab and been driven to Shewsbury Girls School.  John, who'd while me and Sherlock had been fighting took a recording of us and was currently smiling at his phone while the video played.  My loud screech and a heavy thump sounded out from his phone and I glared at him,

"If you haven't deleted that video by the end of the day I will get Irene to come and get you," 

Beside me Sherlock was chuckling and he too was staring down at his phone,

"Lucy, John's written a page about you on his blog!"  I saw John's eyes widen and Sherlock started to read it out,

"The Second Adler: Lucy Adler: a relative of the profound Irene Adler is living in our flat, she constantly seems to try and annoy me which she always succeeds in doing so.  Sherlock has seemed to get on with her and the two have already caught a criminal, though he denies it I think Sherlock is head over heals for the girl.  It was only earlier today that I found himself proving himself wrong, I'd just come back from work and was greeted by quite the sight:  Lucy and Sherlock kissing in the front room! I made my presence known and almost instantly they sprung apart as if that they wanted it to be a secret. I will keep you all updated and I hope that you take this kindly that Sherlock Holmes my best friend is in love with Lucy Adler,"  Sherlock started to type something on his phone and John's phone bleeped and he looked at it. 

"Sherlock, no I don't find that intruding at all and you may not delete it," Sherlock just leaned back into his seat and stayed quiet and it seemed quite obvious that  he was already forming a plan to delete the snippet of writing.  

I heard the cabbie muttering something which sounded alot like: 'stupid, silly posh knobs.'  Unsurprisingly Sherlock acknowledges this and when we arrived at the school he refused to pay the driver full.  The argument was short lived and Sherlock soon walked away a pleased expression spread across his face,

"He's not one for arguments," I just rolled my eyes and followed Sherlock into the building with John right behind me.

The main hall was quite grand with a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a inside balcony which lay around the high outskirts of the room.  Sherlock just simply strode on not really seeming amazed at the place, he must have gone to one for boys just like this.  We carried on through a door and headed through a long corridor where we found a group of teachers.  One looked up and smiled at us and extended a hand to Sherlock,

"Ah Mr Holmes were so glad you came," Sherlock introduced us to the man then simply started to lay out his deductions to the man. 

"I believe that the girl took a detour which might have lead her through the science corridor then into the teachers car park, usually schools like this place would have teachers guarding the exits making sure no one took a detour and here's where the problem starts, you teachers have just stayed in the staffroom letting the children run riot as they leave.  Why has every teacher been sitting in the staffroom when the children are leaving?" The teacher sighed and looked down at his feet. 

The Detective (A Sherlock Fan-Fic) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now