Chapter Forty-Seven

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He lay next to me his snores soft,  I shifted under the weight of his arm and he grunted before settling back into his slumber.  Move to Norway...  Away from everything I know, live in Norway, new traditions and Vidar.  Am I ready for this, I mean, I only really talked to him for about two years.  To move in with and Signe would be a big step, my Norwegian isn't very good either, I guess I could learn it while I was there.  But I'd be leaving Sherlock, and John, and Lucy and Greg.  Greg, how would he react?  I still don't see where it went wrong, then Tom came along then left.  Am I doomed, have I been cursed at birth to be alone, to love and then loose, and then Sherlock, the man who had and still has my heart but my feelings are strong for Greg and Vidar too.  And Toby, would Vidar mind having Toby wondering around his flat?  Is he even aloud animals in his flat, would it be seen as strange if I don't eat open sandwiches?

"Molly I can almost hear you thinking."  He murmured into my ear, I sighed and rolled over so I was facing him.

"Vidar I'm not sure about moving to Norway." He frowned,


"I'm not sure whether we know each other yet Vidar, we know the basics, we know the baseline to each others lives but the complicated violin solos or screams of trumpets are unfamiliar.  What do you know about me Vidar?  Besides that I work at Barts, what's my violin solo?"

"I know you love me, that has got to be the most complicated violin solo of them all, because I know that you love others, but Molly I love you, you love me, just come back with me."  He pressed his forehead against mine, his blue eyes staring into mine, pupils dilated.  

"Vidar-" I protested as he pulled me closer to him,

"Molly; please just come back to Norway with me."  He whispered.  

"Let me go for a walk, I need to be by myself before I make any decisions, okay?" He nodded and let me out of his grasp. 

The gravels crunched beneath my feet as I walked along the street.  He loves me, do I love him enough to move to Norway?  What if Sherlock finds out?  He'll  go all weird again, he'll stare at me like the time I told him about me and Tom.  

"Molly!"  Lucy ran up beside me, I gave her a smile but carried on walking, her besides me.

"Hi Lucy," she smiled,

"Hi, how are you, we've barely seen each other so I better ask." I turned my head to face her,

"Lucy you know how to deal with men don't you?" She nodded,

"Yeah but I think Sherlock may be pushing it," I smirked before carrying on,

"One of my sort of sweetheart from the past is staying in my flat.  And now he's asking for me to move back to Norway with him and his child."  Lucy raised an eyebrow,

"Wow, that's difficult, really difficult.  Funnily enough I met a Norwegian man at work yesterday." I nodded,

"Might be the same person, did you catch his name?"

"I think it was Vidar..." 

"Probably the same person." She shrugged,

"Anyway have you heard anything off Sherlock, he disappeared off last night." I shook my head,

"No sorry, anyway you better go and look for him, nice talking to you,"

"You too, talk soon?" I smiled,

The Detective (A Sherlock Fan-Fic) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now