Chapter Twenty-Six

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The Next Day

221B Baker Street

Sherlock  leaned back in his arm chair,

"John's happy," he said breifly looking up from his laptop.  I just nodded,

"Apparently Sarah kissed him," I saw Sherlock raise his eyebrows,

"Not suprising at all really,"  he said closing the computer lid.  He got up and placing it beside him,  he walked over to me and sat dpwn beside me on the sofa.

"So i'm meeting your parents tomorrow, excited?"  he said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.  I sighed,

"Really I don't know if you'll like them, they're really protective of me," He just shrugged and placed a kiss on top of my head making me smile. 

"Can I have one on the lips?" he smirked and kissed me gently of the lips.  I leaned forewards deepening the kiss feeling his hands slide up my back.  I smiled into the kiss, passion was the only word running through my head.  I wrung my hands into his hair and felt him start to kiss down my neck.

"Uh hum," I we sat up and I accidently snaked my head on Sherlock's.  We glared at John who was standing in the doorway. 

"Um, I was just about to say goodbye but it seems that you two were busy,"  John said giving us a awkward grin.  Sherlock stood upand walked over to John pulling me with him.  He held out his hand to John,

"Clara's going to be there by the way, goodbye John," Sherlock said, John just rolled his eyes before turning to me.  "I'll see you next week then," he said smiling,

"Yeah, Goodbye John," Me and Sherlock as John walked out of the door.

Sherlock smirked as soon as John was out of sight,

"Now where were we?" 

 Half a hour later

Sherlock pulled me into a hug, our make-put session had ended just seconds after we started as Sherlock's phone started to ring.  We'd resorted to shooting the wall, I'd managed to hit the smiley face in the eye.  I smiled,

"We need to get to sleep the train leaves at six," I said, I heard him sigh. 

"Okay," I just smiled as he carried me to our room.

Five-Thirty am

I woke up and poked his cheek. 

"Sherlock get up we've got half an hour to get to the train station," he grumbled. 

I smiled, he can be such a child.

I pushed him off the bed, It was last resort. 

He stood up, we were already dressed,

"okay let's go," .



Sorry for the short chapter, I'm typing this I school.  Anyway please feel free to vote, comment and tell your friends.

-E.A.Y Thorpe-Downey

The Detective (A Sherlock Fan-Fic) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now