Chapter Twenty-One

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The next morning

"Lucy. get up your work phoned you need to go in,"  I groaned then opened my eyes to stare up into John's face.  "Where's Sherlock?" "run off to Scotland Yard, Lestrade called him about some murder," "obviously,".  I motioned for John to get out then scowled, I've got a broken leg and they call me in.  I sighed then got out of bed and changed into some casual clothing deciding to wear a looser pair of jeans after attempting to tackle a pair of skinny jeans over the cast.  I limped out of my room an dto the kitchen greeting John with a smile.  "John?, do you know anything about the murder?" he shook his head.  "Sherlock just said 'bye John, murder, time for me to go," I nodded and chuckled.  The alarm on my watch beeped signalling I had twenty minutes to get to work.  "Shit!, um right I've really got to go now John.  Um I'll cook dinner tonight, bye!" I waved at him then made my way to work.


At crime scene

I lean't down next to the body.  The bullet was from a common revolver, six bullets fired within twenty seconds.  The mans poor shaving pointed out that he lived my himself and his job consisted of early morning wakes.  His hands were covered in blue ink which suggested that he worked in a office.  Why would he be shot?, and there were reports of loud music playing through the building.  I stood up and glanced around the room absorbing every detail from his laundry pile to the clock in the shape of a cat.  Something stood out from the rest of the room though, a piece of white fabric was caught on the edge of a nail which was protruding ever so slightly from the door.  I made my way towards it and pulled it off taking in it's texture, silky the type that they use on a wedding dress and most definitely expensive.  Then it clicked, on his mantle piece was a framed picture of him and a woman smiling happily at the camera, a engagement ring wrapped around one of the woman's' fingers.

"Lestrade!" he burst in.

"Yes Sherlock?!,"

"Find me any information about Henri's fiancee, text me the details when you find them,"

I brushed past Lestrade then glanced down at my watch.  Time to annoy Andre.


I passed the boiled eggs through to Antonio then started on the next order.  "Oh no not you again," Andre's voice echoed through the room and I looked up to see none other than Sherlock.  "Nice to see you too Andre," Sherlock smiled at him.  "So Sherlock what's your order?"

"To see Lucy and a americano,"

"You can't see Lucy,"

"Well she's staring at us, so technically I can," I smiled at him.

"Stop being smart,"

"I can't,"  Andre glared at him.

"Yes you can," Sherlock raised an eyebrow,

"Aren't you supposed to polite to your customers?" Andre looked ready to hit him.

"Your americano will be with you in a second sir," he turned to walk away.

"Don't forget Lucy, Andre!"

Andre came over to the hatch, "I believe your Boyfriend want's to see you," I grinned at him then walked out of the kitchen and over to Sherlock.

"You really shouldn't do that you know,"

"do what?" he put on a innocent face.

"Annoy my boss," he shrugged and patted the seat next to him motioning for me to sit down.

I sat down and felt his arm snake around my shoulders, Andre is going to rip his head off.  Andre came back with Sherlock's drink and placed it in front of us.  "So Sherlock, I hear you and Lucy were in a explosion up in Shrewsbury," we nodded,

"so was John," Andre gave me a confused look.

"Our other flat mate," Andre's eyes widened,

"Wait you two live together?" we nodded and I watched as his expression turn murderous.

"Lucy, it's time for you to get back to work," I nodded then sat up and walked off leaving Andre and Sherlock in a glaring match.


Outside Sarah's flat

Come on John you can do this, man up!.  I raised my fist to her door then rapped loudly on it three times.  The sound of footsteps came from the other side of the door then it swung open to reveal a rather sad looking Sarah. 

"John?" I smiled.

"Hi Sarah," she gave me a confused look before leaning into her door frame.

"What do you want?" I looked down at my hands.

"Um, I miss you.  I'm really sorry that you got pulled into all that shit, and I was wondering if you would give me a second chance?" she stared at me a slight smile pulling at the edges of her lips.

"Ok, but John I swear this is your last chance," I pulled her into a hug then whispered into her hair.

"Thank you so much Sarah," I let her go my face going slightly red.

"How about I take you to Zuchinni's Italian on Saturday night?"

she nodded, "It's a date," .


Hello!, first of all I'm sorry I haven't updated for ages (almost a month) and it won't happen again.  Secondly: How do you think John and Sarah's date will go and will their relationship progress?.
 Finally: I hope to write more Sherlock and Andre battles in the future because It's just really awkward for Lucy.  Anyhow please feel free to vote,comment and tell your friends! :D.

PS- I've made a page for this book on tumblr, the link to it is in the external link :D


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