Chapter Ten

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(Early the next morning)

The screen flashed in front of me he's texted again,

M- I giving you another errand.

I phone once again beeped and I checked my eyes widening over the plans.  Well this will be interesting.


(Around seven a.m)

I opened my eyes and smiled as I saw a sleeping Sherlock next to me.  He looked peaceful nothing worrying him.

  "Stop staring at me," I felt his hand grab mine causing me to giggle.  His blue eyes opened and he looked at me.

  "I thought you hated the idea of love Sherlock," He sighed,

"I do, but somehow I love you,"

 I cuddled him quickly then got up,

"Sherlock close your eyes I'm getting changed," he closed his eyes and I quickly changed into my work clothes.

  "Sherlock you can open your eyes now," he opened his eyes then groaned.

"Why do you have to go to work today, I'll get bored and I haven't had any cases come up,"

 "Yes you have," he gave me a confused look then he sighed. 

"Lucy the dead man with a bullet through his head is Moriarty doing it's not important,"  Of course to him a death caused by his wanna be killer is not important.  I left Sherlock to get dressed and headed down to get washed.  As I was brushing my teeth John walked in smiling. 

"John are you sure you haven't got mental, you keep smiling,"

"I know you have feelings for him," I took the brush out my mouth and spat into the sink trying to avoid John's eye contact in the mirror.  I washed my brush then smiled at him, 

"John I've got to go see you later," I walked out of the bathroom. 

"But Luc-"

"Laters!"  And with that I left 221B Baker Street.


(Two hours later)

"John!  Bored!" John lifted his head and sighed,

"Sherlock your always bored,"  I jumped out my chair and grabbed my gun off the desk. 

"Sherlock don't you dare shoot the wall!"  I ignored him and shot the wall getting the smiley face in the right eye.  John tried to grab the gun off me but I waved it above my head and started to laugh as he jumped trying to grab it.

  "Sherlock give it here!" He tried to knock me over but I just pushed him.  He grabbed hold of my shoulders and tried to launch himself off them but I toppled over and hit the wooden floor with a loud thump.  The gun had skidded across the floor and both me and John had our gazes fixed on it like a lion would have on it's pray.  Then we both went for the kill.


Andre stormed into the kitchen,

"Lucy hurry up!" I glared at him,

"Andre it does take some time to cook a meal for five people," He rolled his eyes then walked out to tell the customers that their meal was almost ready.  Finally the sausages were fully cooked and I plated up the dishes then rang the bell then placed the plates on the hatch surface for Antonio or Andre to pick up and serve.  I turned my back and checked my phone for messages, there was only one from Sherlock.

I won a fight with John and he's in a mood so I headed out please turn around and look out of the hatch.


I looked around and spotted Sherlock sitting at a table being served by Andre. 

"Sir what your order?" he looked at me,

"For Lucy to come and see me now,"  Andre's stance changed he looked ready to kill.

"I'm sorry sir but she doesn't probably know you, you're speaking to her boyfriend you see,"  Sherlock shook his head,

"No I'm not,"

"What makes you think that Sir?" Sherlock signalled for me to come out so I did. 

"Andre this is Sherlock my-"

"Boyfriend," I looked at Sherlock my eyes wide.  Andre turned to me,

"Is this true Lucy," I looked him directly in the eyes,

"Yes," Sherlock only had to wait thirty minutes until it was my lunch break.  I smiled at him as we walked out of the bistro door,

"Sherlock did you mean what you said to Andre earlier?" His gloved hand grabbed mine,

"If my head is correct then maybe," So we walked down the street hand in hand  to find the nearest Greggs.

Sherlock insisted that he paid for my sandwich and cola so I let him but said only this once.  As we went along he deduced people and listened to my feedback happily agreeing with anything that he might have gotten wrong.

  "So Sherlock do you have any hated siblings?"

"Yes a elder Brother named Mycroft," He told me about how Mycroft was almost the British Government and how he kept threatening him with knighthood's.

My phone alarm set off alerting me that I had to head back.  I looked into Sherlock's eyes then pecked him on the cheek then ran back to work a smile spread across my face.


I watched through the surveillance camera's as Lucy Adler and my brother chatted, I almost gasped when a small smile spread across his face.   It's almost nice watching my brother be friendly to another person.  The few final moments of their conversation drew to a close and I stared as Lucy kissed him on the cheek and hurried away leaving a unmoving Sherlock being swallowed into a crowd of people.  I leaned back into my chair then sighed, I need to update the surveillance again.  This time for all three of then Sherlock, John and Lucy.


Hi hope you liked the chapter.  I can't believe I did another Mycrofts p.o.v what next Lestrade's p.o.v?.  Anyway if you liked the chapter feel free to vote, comment and tell your friends.


The Detective (A Sherlock Fan-Fic) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now