Chapter Twenty-Two

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221B Baker Street

Sherlock walked in brandishing a wad of paper which looked like a profile document.  He sat down next to me on the sofa and slung his arm over my shoulders.

  "So how was work after I left?" he grinned as if he knew the answer, which he probably does.

"Terrible, as soon as you left Andre went mad and started screaming at me that if I carry on talking to you like that during work he'll fire me,"

Sherlock nodded then showed me the documents, "This woman is called Eleanor Coleman she's a suspect for my new case," I stared at the picture he was pointing at and it clicked.

"She was a customer in the birstro today, she was acting all nervous,"

Sherlock nodded then took the document off me then sighed, "I'll leave this till tomorrow I'm feeling like I'm going to faint If I don't sleep soon," I looked him in the eye and smiled, as usual they were filled with wisdom.  I felt his hand caress the side of my face and I leaned in placing my lips upon his.  He kissed back moving his hand from my cheek to the back of my neck deepening the kiss slightly.  I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him so he was lying on his back, his hands moved from my neck to my waist and he pulled me down on top of him.  I could feel my heart pounding as I ran my fingers through his hair.  His hands were fiddling with the bottom of my top, I allowed him to pull it off me and smiled as I felt his hands roam across my bare back.


One Hour Later

I truged up the stairs carrying the shopping with me, the self-service machine had completely turned on me and a shop assistant ended up helping me scan the items.  I opened the door to the flat and almost dropped the bags, Lucy's and Sherlock's clothes were strewn across the room but they were no where to be seen.  "Lucy?!, Sherlock?!" There was no reply, the only other place they could be was their room and no way am I checking.  I made my way Into the kitchen and placed the bags down on the table, well It's not like it wasn't going to happen.




I was standing in the hallway where it all happened, the moment where I first saw Sherlock.  A younger nineteen year-old me came bounding through the hallway smiling as Andre tried to catch her.  He grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him giving her a small hickey.  I watched as Andre let her go and swore as her realised that his next class was just about to start before running off leaving me alone.  She looked around then shrugged and started walking staring down at her phone, little did she know a twenty-three year old Sherlock was coming strait towards her his head buried in a book.  They collided both swearing as they dropped they're belongings, both instantly picked them up and stared at each other.

"Watch where your going next time," My younger self raised a eyebrow.

"Me?, your the one with your face in a book," Sherlock smirked.

"Reading a fantastic stimulant for the mind, but not quite as good as cocaine or black coffee," My younger smiled.

"I'm Lucy Adler and you are?" she held out her hand for him to shake,

"Sherlock Holmes," he shook her hand.

"Nice name, much more interesting then mine," he shook his head.

"I think Lucy Adler a perfectly reasonable name, but I really need to get going,"

My younger waved as he walked off.

End Of Dream

I snuggled into Sherlock's chest then sighed, I wonder if he remembers that?.  He probably does, I mean he is Mr I-remember-all.  I smiled then closed my eyes once more.



Hello, first of all I'm sorry if this chapter has disturbed you or mentally scarred you but either way it had to happen it's apart of the plot.  Anyway moving on what do you think of their first official meeting?, I making Sherlock four years older than Lucy so he's thirty just to clear that up.  And what do you think the bang was?, a gun shot, John collapsing, a small explosion?, you'll find out in the next chapter :).  Please feel free to vote, comment and tell your friends :).

-E.A.Y Thorpe-Downey

The Detective (A Sherlock Fan-Fic) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now