Chapter Twelve

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I opened my eyes and groaned, my head!  I rolled over almost pushing Sherlock off the bed, I heard him groan then a hand clamp around my neck,

"Do not roll over anymore or I will kill you slowly," I nodded and the hand was gone leaving me a tincy bit startled.  I tried to get back to sleep but I just couldn't.  Bored.  I got out of the bed and headed for the main room then picked up Sherlock's gun then smiled.  I shot the wall repetitively and started to shout-

"Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored!"  John came running from his room and ran at me but I just started to run,

"Lucy! Give me the bloody gun!"

 "One day or another, I'm gonna find ya, i'm get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya!" I started to dance around singing the same line over and over again. 

Sherlock came bounding down the stairs and I stopped then handed him the gun.  John looked at us,

"Why the hell do you always listen to him and not me?!" I looked at John,

"Because you don't know the two words that he once blurted out of his mouth,"

 "Let me guess; clostriduim botulinum?" Me and Sherlock shook our heads,

"Carl Powers?" We shook our head again,

"Consulting Detective?" He just got the same reply.  John sighed then retreated back to his room leaving me and Sherlock alone. 

"So did Irene tell you about the secret message?" I nodded,

"Vatican Cameos,"  I watched as Sherlock smiled obviously remembering the moment he said it to Irene and John.  My phone sounded out the sigh and I checked the message-

I'm bored i'm inviting you and Sherlock to lunch



I looked at Sherlock,

"Irene's inviting us for lunch, Sherlock,"

"What not dinner?"

"No, not dinner,"  I put my phone down then headed to the kitchen to make the morning coffee.  This time the head was gone from the fridge so I was safe to make drinks without fainting,

"Sherlock! What did you do with the head?"

"It's in the plastic bag on the table!"  I spied the asda bag on the table and made a mental note not to get it mixed up with the shopping. 

I boiled the kettle then made the drinks before heading back to Sherlock and handing him his drink.  He took it and smirked,

"At least we don't have to get a cab to go and see her," I ruffled his hair but stopped when tried to claw at my hand,

"Do not touch my hair!" I gave him a look,

"Sherlock don't tell me you're a hair freak,"

"Nope, I've got knots in my hair and it hurts when your fingers pull on them,"  I rolled my eyes,

"Just brush your hair," Sherlock looked at me then scowled,

"I don't like brushing my hair,"

"Oh for heaven's sake!"

Half a hour later Sherlock was sitting in front of me while I was pulling a comb through his knotted hair.  Sherlock crossed his arms across his chest and from what I could see of him, he was frowning. 

"Sherlock, me brushing your hair is not some kind of childhood punishment so please stop frowning," he bent his head back to look at me,

"I hate my hair being brushed," I gave him a stern look,

"If you don't stop complaining I'll shave it all off," he shut up then bent his head forewords and let me carry on. 

John came walking into the room dressed for work, me and Sherlock looked at him then realised: John has a three hour shift at the hospitable on a Saturday.  Sherlock stood up then grinned,

"I'm guessing that you don't want to go in today," John raised his hands in the air dramatically,

"I'm not even going to ask how you figured that out Sherlock,".  Sherlock opened his mouth but I beat him to it,

"It's pretty obvious John," John just walked through the door.  Sherlock looked to me,

"Have you noticed that John's quite dramatic lately?"

"Yep, crap TV rubbing off on him,"  After a while I got washed and dressed then realised that at just ten minutes before the lunch that Sherlock still hadn't washed and was still in his pajamas.  I forced Sherlock to brush his teeth and get dressed before walking across with him to Irene's flat.

I knocked and almost instantly Irene answered wearing a very tight fitting dress.  She opened the door wide and beckoned me and Sherlock in before slamming the door behind us.  I looked around her main room and smirked, same old Irene, only going for the most expensive furniture. 

"So Lucy how's work going," Irene perched herself on the edge of one of her white sofa's smiling at me,

"It's going well but Andre seems to dislike Sherlock,"  Irene rolled her eyes,

"Well that's hardly a suprise,"  I gave Irene a hard look then watched as Sherlock talked to her about how her furniture wasn't built out of sustainable materials.  Irene clapped her hands and to my horror two men dressed in only a small pair of underwear walked in, one carrying a bottle of red wine wind and some wine glasses the other carrying the meal and plates.  I diverted my gaze as they bent down to place the meal out on the oak table in the middle of the room.  Finally they left but one came back with cutlery and laid the table. 

Five minutes later we were digging into our meal on steak and kidney pie with a selection of vegetables and gravy.  My meal was gone in no time but Irene and Sherlock took a bit longer, I poured myself a glass of red wine then offered the bottle to Irene who poured herself one.  To my surprise Sherlock decided that he'd take a miss on the wine and talked about some of his latest cases with Irene listening in great interest.  And to my horror Irene decided to ask the one question that I didn't want to hear answer,

"So Sherlock do you love Lucy?"


Sorry if the chapter wasn't very interesting but I'm fighting a writers block to write this chapter.  So what do you think Sherlock will say to Irene about her question? Positive or negative answer?  Please feel free to vote, comment and tell your friends.


The Detective (A Sherlock Fan-Fic) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now