Chapter Sixteen

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The Hospital

My run had been stopped by the shouts of Nurses and Patients.  Apparently running in Hospitals for no medical reason was banned and would not be tolerated.  In the end they let us go and here me and John are eating food in the hospital canteen.  I had gone for the safer option of tomato soup and a cheese scone while John had gone for a roast dinner which he is presently pushing around his plate.   "John if you don't want your roast you can have my soup," "thanks," I handed him my soup but kept the scone.  We ate in silence waiting for one another to speak, but neither of us broke the silence.  Sherlock came storming into the canteen wrapped only is a hospital bed sheet, "Lucy, John, were going!" Nurses tried to pull him back to his room but Sherlock just stormed ahead completely ignoring the Nurses complaints.  His hand slammed down on the table, "I said were going!" me and John gave him a wary look but got up and followed him outside where he started to shiver.  John ran back inside and and five minutes later he returned with Sherlock's clothes and coat.  Sherlock just took the pile of clothes and let me hail a cab, the driver was just as horrible as this mornings making comments on Sherlock's attire.

I sat uncomfortably in the middle of Sherlock and John trying not to look down.  Unfortunately the hospital sheet that Sherlock was wearing was incredibly thin material and me and John had soon discovered that we could both see his parts.  Sherlock's deep voice soon filled the silence his voice cutting through the air like a knife through melted butter.  "I should have brought another sheet, we need some new one's for the flat," I felt like laughing. it's just like him not to care about his thin sheet.  "Sherlock your right we do need new sheets for the flat," I almost gasped in disbelief, John was ignoring the nudity situation.   Fortunately only a second later the cab stopped and we all got out.   The bill wasn't much and I paid then followed the two men inside the inn.

People's heads turned as we walked in making Sherlock just pull us along faster into our room.  He slammed the door behind us, "why do people have to take notice of men in sheets?" "because it's not natural for a fully grown, sober man to be walking around in one.  Now get changed," Sherlock just sighed then grabbed his clothes off John and headed into the bathroom to change.  I felt the low of no nicotine taking it's affect on me.  Quickly I searched through Sherlock's bag for nicotine patches and found none.  "John, I'm going out for a while see you later," he just nodded then flopped backwards into his bed.  I walked out of the inn and round the town looking for a decent corner shop.  After about ten minutes I found one and quickly I headed inside smiling.  Like normal corner shops it had the magazines and milk together on on eside of the shop, the coffee and sweets in the middle then the cigarettes behind the counter.  The shopkeeper looked up as I walked towards the counter, "Can I have a large packet of silver cut's please," the man stood up and browsed through the cigarettes then brought the silvercuts down.  "That'll be three-ninety-nine miss," I dug into my pocket and handed him the correct change then headed out back into the streets. 

Luckily I always keep a lighter with me and within seconds of being out of the shop I had lit one and was smoking.  Every so often I would tap the ash off the end into a bin and take a breath of clean air.  I found myself standing in the supposed town square which is currently inhabited by a small Sunday market.  My eye's travelled across the stools then I heard it the clicking of a gun being loaded, Sherlock came sprinting through the crowds at me and grabbed me flinging us both under a stand before the sound sof a open fire rang out.  I peeked from under our hiding place and watched as people fell to the ground dead.  The mass of the killing of great  the bodies of elderly people,middle aged and the young lay strewn across the cobblestone floor.  I looked over my shoulder at Sherlock, "Lucy this was meant for us we need to get out," finally the shooting stopped and I heard the sounds of police sirens ringing in the distance.  Quickly I pulled Sherlock amd myself out from under the stand then ran Sherlock trailing right behind me.


I whipped Harriet one more time then let her rest.  Oh what would John say if he saw his Sister like this with me.  My phone rang loudly and I reached across pulling it off the desk and answered.  "Hello?" "part A has been completed, report that up to head," "Ok, will do," .  Slowly I dialed in his number and smiled when he picked up , "Hello darling," "Is it done Irene?" "yes sweetheart," with that the line went dead leaving me with a sexy Harriet Watson.


Oh my giddy eye.  Mass shooting in Shewsbury!, to be fair that'll probably never happen.  Any way sorry it took so long to update and sorry it's so short.  Please feel free to vote, comment and tell your friends.  (P.S there's going to be a Lulock moment in the next chapter ;) ).


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