Chapter Forty-Five

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 Two days later.

221B Baker Street

I lay there, Lucys' head on my chest her breathing soft, quiet murmurs of words spilling from her mouth. She was married, I've known her for almost four years and I never deduced that she was married to that poor excuse of a human being.  Lucy shifted and made a sobbing noise, I frowned and watched as tears started to stream down her face.  Softly I shook her shoulders but she kept crying I lifted her head and shook it slightly and slowly her eyes opened, her eyes now wide and alert.

"S-Sherlock, oh thank God!" She turned over and hugged me tightly still crying, I wrapped my arms around her slowly and she sighed,

"Thank you for waking me up," I didn't reply, it was a memory, a memory of something, a memory of Andre?



"Why don't you tell me your secrets?"

"If I told you my secrets, you'd hate me, understand that and never question me on it again." She just nodded before kissing me on the cheek and falling back to sleep.


Dublin, further location... unknown.

8.20 AM

I tapped my fingers against the surface of the desk, waiting for him to arrive, James.  Then I heard it, the clacking sound of soles against tile, the rustle of clothing as he straightened his jacket, then a pause, and for a split second everything was quiet, then the door opened revealing the consulting criminal in his full glory.

"James," he grinned his eyes narrowing slightly, his his running over the top of the brass doorknob, slowly he stepped forwards,

"Did you miss me?" I smiled before getting up and walking to him, pecking him on the cheek and hugging him quickly,

"I missed you a lot, good work by the way, the public were absolutely astounded by your little show," he just nodded before kissing me quickly on the lips and pulling me into an embrace, I rested my head on his shoulder breathing in the scent of fabric conditioner, only he could pull off that smell.  I felt his lips meet my neck and kiss it lightly before he let out a deep sigh,

"I like what you've done with our flat," 

"I do to," he chuckled before holding on to me tighter,

"I admire you Irene," I closed my eyes,

"I admire you too."


221B Baker Street

9 AM

I watched as Lucy walked out of the door, I don't want to let her near that bastard, but she wants to go to work, I have to let her go to work.  I turned to wards the window and watched as she hailed a cab before climbing in and driving off.  Mycroft stood on the pavement outside, staring up at me with a bemused expression on his face.  I turned away and listened as the front door opened and then closed and the thumping noise as we bounded up the stairs and walked in to my flat, I sat down in my chair before staring up at him,

"Hello Mycroft," he just smiled before taking out two tickets from his coat pocket and handing them to me,

"You have been asked to attend a ball at Buckingham Palace by her Majesty the Queen, in the light of that you saved her family from a great deal of embarrassment after the actions of a family member, the second ticket is of course for Lucinda," I rolled my eyes, she hates her full name.

The Detective (A Sherlock Fan-Fic) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now