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"Would ya like to go on a date with me?" Alfie asked over the phone, making sure to ease Sarah as much as he could.

He was getting impatient of waiting and wanted to see her more.

"I don't know Alfie... " Sarah zoned out setting all the papers on the table. After Polly left all she could think of was how bad the rest of family will react. Does she need some armor or go completely bare in hopes of positive outcome?

"Fuck everything and just come with me. It's final Saturday, 7PM sharp. "

Sarah wasn't able to argue and sighed hard. This was really a bad bad idea.

Sarah wore her favourite dress for the night. Alfie was suppose to pick her up. She told Alex to stay at clinic all the time. She didn't wanted anyone to come in a empty clinics in hopes of robbery.

Her heels made noise against the pavement as Alfie all dressed up waited for her in front of his car.

Sarah hugged him lightly, smiling ear to ear.

"Aren't you happy seeing me?" Alfie laughed getting her seated in the car. They talked about a lot of thing through the journey.

Dining in the finest restaurant in London, Alfie sipped his wine admiring just how stunning the women sitting next to him was. She made him more of a human then a gangster. The air around her was just shining. That's how stunning she was.

"You know Alfie,  I don't remember much from childhood. I do recall my mother being nurse... "

Sarah took a pause looking out at the road. London was bustling with people but both of them had little to no care of the world they resided in.

"My father never loved her yet she lived with him for years and years. I was sent here yet none of them cared, cuz how tangled they were in their own mess to care about me. Do I blame them? Maybe... "

A tear trickled down Sarah's cheek. Alfie leaned in cleaning her cheek. "You aren't there cuz you were meant to be here with me Sarah. Fuck everyone and be with me. I can fight the whole goddamn world for you. Give me a fucking chance. "

Alfie was asking too much from this young girl, who doesn't even have a idea on how much fucked she will be being with him. Yet he was ready to risk it all for her.

Sarah smiled kissing the inside of his palm lightly. It was that easy, maybe it was. Walking into Alfie's office Sarah smiled at the mess of papers around.

"I'm quite welcomed here aren't I?"

"These assholes don't do shit here. " Alfie grumbled pointing at the army of men working out. Sarah laughed nodding at him.

"Why do you do this?" Sarah asked pointing at all the work and whatever was happening there.

Alfie sat in his seat giving her a deep look. He was contemplating on how much was he going to tell her. He wasn't a Saint. Worst then her husband maybe.

"It's a game of survival Sarah, you need power and money and for that you gotta fuck some shit up, that's how the world works. " Alfie settled some papers not making an eye contact.

Sarah walked around the table sitting in his lap. Alfie secured his arms around her gently rubbing her back.

"And would you ever leave this?" Sarah cupped his face trying to understand what and how much was she going to bet here.

She was a doctor, had somewhat of a secure family and was happy for the most part, by giving into Alfie she would loose all of it. So was it worth all the effort and sacrifice?

A Time To Kill By || Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now