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Sarah holder Xavier close to her chest as it rained outside. It's been six months since Grace was gone and everything was just changed.

Sarah missed Alfie, missed him alot. To a point where she was contemplating on running away. But she hurtled him. And she wasn't too sure if he would like her back or not.

The maid walked in with fresh sheets and smiled at her. Xavier was now a healthy little boy with icy blue eyes from his father.

"Madam, sir is calling you in office." Saying that the maid went onto change the sheets.

Sighing Sarah put Xavier in his small crib and pointed at the maid to take care of him.

Walking downstairs to the office, Sarah noticed how alarmed everyone was in the house.

Polly was nowhere to be seen. Ada was probably in her room.

Knocking on the door lightly Sarah walked in. Tommy was sitting on his chair, rummaging through some papers.

After Grace, Tommy was nowhere as violent as he use to be. Sarah sat opposite the him and picked up a pen from the table.

"The Italians are on us." Tommy said still not looking up from the papers.

So far it's been established that Italians weren't friendly nor did they cared for the shelbys.

"I'm aware, what can I do to help?" Sarah asked circling the pen in her fingers. Tommy placed his papers down and leaned forward.

It was as if he wanted no one to know what he was about to say.

"Sarah I know I've hurtled you alot. And I'm aware you don't like-"

"Tommy please-"

"Let me finish."

Sarah wasn't ready for an apology from Tommy. In fact she wanted to ignore him at all costs.

There was a time when she would kill to spend time with him. Hear him talk and be with him, but now she wanted nothing to do with him. Nothing but leave as soon as she can.

"I want your trust Sarah." Tommy knocked on his table. Sarah was even more confused then ever.

What was he on about? Sarah thought to herself nodding at him to move on.

Tommy opened a drawer and took out a bundle of paper. Sarah wasn't familiar with any papers of Tommy's work. In fact she never took interest in any of his work.

Sliding the papers towards her, Tommy looked away from her.

"These are original documents of the Shelby Manor, properties, and money people owe us. When the time comes, take these and run far far away from here."

Sarah was in immense shock, almost as if the whole world wad crashing down on her.

"Tommy what the fuck? Where will I go? Tommy this is not mine. It's Ada's, Arthur's and idk what the hell Thomas..."

Sarah looked at the papers. It was all legal documents. She had no idea on what to say or what to do.

"I know, but I feel we might not be here to see all of this. And you are a doctor, a brave women and most importantly you have my son. My lineage." Tommy lighted his cigarette and smiled at her.

"I worked so much for all of this. It's a pity that I won't be here to see it all."

Sarah could not believe it. How was all of this happening? How did this happened? How did they ended up here?

"When the time comes, do not trust anyone, not even the ones you love. After me you will be the target of any violence. Run far far away. As far as you can go. Never tell anyone your name or even where you're from. Sarah be smart, remember you will always be a Shelby. Now leave. "

Tommy pointed at the door, leaving no room for further discussion. Sarah reluctantly took the papers. She wasn't sure of anything. Tears formed in her eyes as she left the office, giving Tommy one last look.

It was midnight, Sarah was well sleeping in her room with Xavier. A loud bang on main door woke her up.

"W-what?" Sarah woke up alarmingly. She immediately wore her black dress and started packing her stuff.

Something in her heart was telling her that it was a warning to leave. She was in such rush that she didn't realized that Tommy has entered the room.

"Tommy Tommy what's happening?" Sarah ran in his arms, she was feeling so lost and worried.

"Listen to me Sarah. They are here to raid the house and I cannot have them know about you. You need to leave!!"

"W-what where will I go? H-how can I l-leave?" Sarah cried harder as Tommy ran his hands on her head.

"Sarah remember what I told you earlier. Trust no one. Leave and you'll find your way. Stay strong and sharp, also take care of Xavier." Tommy pulled her closer to him. Muffled cried echoed from his chest as Sarah sobbed harder.

Her whole life was about to be changed and yet she wanted nothing more then to stay. Stay with her family.

Pulling her face up, Sarah looked right into Tommy's blue eyes. Those eyes once she loved so dearly.

"I wish we had more time Sarah. Fuck, I loved you so much. I'm so jealous that, you like that Solomon and not me." Sarah chuckled at Tommy's confession.

"I'm so proud of you and in some parallel universe I would want to have you as my lawfully wedded wife Sarah."

Tommy pulled Sarah for a kiss. A kiss of nothing but bittersweet memories and regrets. A kiss of all the tears and pains, both of them experienced. A kiss of final goodbye.

Sarah clutched onto Tommy's collar as he pushed her a bit.

"Take your stuff and meet me in kitchen." Tommy instructed her and left.

Sarah packed all the important essentials and strapped Xavier to her chest. He was half wake and half sleep.

Taking her bags she runned down in the kitchen. She could hear men outside talking.

Tommy nodded at her, taking her to the back door.

"Sarah there is a horse down the old road, waiting for you. John is there. Take the horse and leave." Sarah nodded and gave Tommy one last look. What a beautiful night ending in such bitter goodbyes.

Sarah walked down the old road as gunshots could be heard in the Manor

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Sarah walked down the old road as gunshots could be heard in the Manor. Sarah wanted to rush right back in but she had Tommy's last word as promise.

John was standing there with cigarette in his mouth.

"You'll die earlier then guns if you keep on smoking." Sarah warned John as he laughed heartily.

"I'll miss your dictations Sarah. Take care." John hugged her for the last time as she hopped on the horse and left for oblivion.

And that's a wrap for Shelby Manor.
Where do you think Sarah will go?

If you have time, check out my new story Strangers on my account. I'll be super thankful.

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A Time To Kill By || Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now