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Luca was in shock but immediately recovered. "Oh so your wife has been fucking the Jewish mobster hu? Real classic Shelby!"

Sarah laughed hard and gave Luca a smiling face. "You see Luca, us Shelbys may have alot of difference between us, but in the end we will stick together for each other. So let's talk business huh?"

Tommy, Alfie and Luca sat on the sofa and Sarah on the table.

"What do you want?" Luca asked clearly irritated by the turns of event.

Alfie looked at Tommy and urged him to speak. As a matter of fact, it was his ordeal first then anyone.

"I want you to compensate me for what you did to me and family Luca." Tommy spoke in a calm tone.

"How about the fuck not?"

"You are surrounded by my men Luca, don't ya think this is not the time?"

Alfie wasn't easy on Luca, if anything he looked more angry and hurt.

Luca laughed loud, it wasn't the kind of laugh you'll hear from someone cornered. But more from someone who had a upper hand.

"Or maybe you should check outside sweetheart." Luca pointed at Sarah, she looked outside from the window and saw hundreds of Luca's men surrounding the Manor.

"I saw you that night in Alfie's office, Dr. Sarah!"

Sarah clenched her fists. She was furious. "WHY THE FUCK DON'T YOU LEAVE US ALONE!"

Luca stood up and took out an envelope from his jacket. Throwing it at Tommy he walked over to the window.

Before anyone could do anything, Alfie shot Luca right in his head. Leaving a stunned Sarah behind.


"He did the right thing, leaving that bastard alive would have been a mistake." Tommy opened the envelope and read through. It was a police notice against him. Within a few minutes, the police would pull up at his house.

"Alfie, take Sarah and Ada, leave." Tommy took the gun from Alfie. It wasn't a request but a command.



A loud knock on the door startled Sarah. Luca's men must've heard the gunshot. Sarah hid under the table, as 10-15 men swarmed inside the office.

Alfie and Tommy started shooting, making the whole office smell like gunpowder. Screaming and yelling could be heard from the other side of house as well.

A guy with knife was about to thrash Tommy when sound of rifle echoed. "You fucking touch my brother?"

Arthur killed all the men in the office. Looking at Alfie, Arthur snickered. "Why the fuck do you keep appearing?"

"Can't help it that you have something I deeply adore, mate!"

Sarah checked the window and could see police cars pulling up in their porch. More men of Luca were now surrounding the house.

"How the hell will we leave here?"

Tommy took off his wedding ring and threw in outside. "If you tell the cops, you were forcefully brought here, they'll let you go. Not to mention it's me whose name is mentioned by Luca not Alfie,they'll let you go."

Sarah was in this dire state of fresh air. It was like walls were closing on her. She was about to loose everything.

"Wd don't have the time to fucking ponder Sarah, go RUN OUTSIDE!" Arthur snapped Sarah back to reality. Tommy nodded in approval as Alfie left the room giving one last look to Tommy.

"Take care mate, see you on other side."

"Of hell Solomon."

Alfie smiled and took the back entrance. The plan was in motion. Alfie would take Ada and leave. Sarah would surrender to the police and will be set free.

Sarah took off her heels and rubbed her hands together. "I'll raise Xavier right Tommy."

"I know you would." Tommy took a swig from his favourite bourbon.

Hugging Arthur one last time, Ada ran outside. Luca's men and the police were engaged in heated firearms.

The Cheif noticed Sarah, she once helped deliver his baby. "HOLD YOUR FIREARMS MEN!"

Even though his voice was loud, no one took interest, as bullets flew by Sarah left to right. Standing at the stairs, Sarah descended down, one of the cops saw a man about to shoot her.

Aiming at her he shot, but Sarah couldn't see clearly.

Alfie was seeing the whole scene happening downstairs from the window

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Alfie was seeing the whole scene happening downstairs from the window. He opened the window and yelled. "SARAH!!!!"

Sarah looked up as her hair blew in the direction. Before she knew it, a bullet pierced through her shoulder halting her steps to safety.

Tommy shot the man who was about to shoot Sarah. He yelled at the cops to stop shooting, hence the shooting slowed down.

Sarah looked at Tommy and then at Alfie. It was a blurry, but every moment she ever lived flashed infront of her eyes.

Her getting sold, Tommy marrying her, him leaving for France. Her getting her degree and Polly giving her bottle of alcohol.

Moving to London, seeing Alfie for the first time, her kissing him and leaving Tommy. The last kiss. The last breath. It was all just a dream.

Tommy ran towards Sarah shouting medical help at the police. The cops had now taken most of Luca's men into custody.

The Chief kneeled in front of Sarah and sighed. "I-I'm so sorry Dr. Sarah. Please stay with us, the help is on their way."

In Tommy's arm she pointed at him.

"O-Officer, L-Luca k-kidnapped me and-"

Sarah coughed as Tommy squeezed her arms lightly. He knew what she was about to do.

"T-Tommy s-saved me. D-don't take a-any action on h-him." Sarah plead to the Chief. Usually he would snap at her telling her she is saving a gangster.

But today it felt more like a life long wish. A wish he knew he can't reject.

Sarah looked up and saw Alfie no where. He must've left with Ada. It was all done. It was.


"Yes, stay with me Sarah, they'll get an ambulance or medic, fucking stay with me!!"

Sarah smiled and pointed at the grass. "B-bury me t-there. R-right there." Sarah dreamed of walking down the aisle with Alfie over there.

Before Tommy could reply, Sarah was dead in his arms. He was left all alone. Was again he was left alone.


Last Chapter : Part 2

A Time To Kill By || Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now