'It's all a dream...'

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You hear a familiar voice. Your voice.

You: Phew...it's just a dream...

You: Wait...does this mean...

You: Aw man, chatting the Genshin Impact characters was a dream too...

You heard a beep from your phone. You open it and then a group chat was online.

(your username) has set their status to Active

Aether: How long has it been since we have been waiting for y/n?

Paimon: I dunno, probably it has been hours...

You: helloooo?

You: oh- its...not a dream

Paimon: Did you dream of this chat not being real?

You: nope had a nightmare thats all

Aether: Oh, that explains it...

You: welp gtg i just realized i have a homework due tomorrow

Aether: Okay, bye!

Paimon: Bye-bye!

       (your username), Paimon and 1 other has set their status to Away

You are so glad the chats were not a dream...

It should be every Genshin player's dream to see Genshin Impact characters were real.

But nobody knew that one dream can come true.

They would be your number one friends.

You would even teach them to talk like you do.

If you can go to them...

Can they go to you?

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