Terry & Terri x Mute Reader

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Thank you trueloverjay for the request!
Word count: 511
Please enjoy!


The Terry's walked anxiously through campus, arguing with themselves as they went. They had stayed up all night and the exhaustion was setting in.

"Don't mess this up!" Terry whispered yelled to his brother.

"I'm not going to!" Terri said back. They walked up the steps into the campus library.

A wave of anxiety hit them, they always feared going in there.

The building was huge, two stories with with hundred of books. The ground floor had the librarians desk and several tables, while the second floor had balconies and couches to sit on.

They hadn't been in here since the Scare Games, they made sure to avoid all the creaky floor boards as they walked across the building.

As always Y/n was sitting down alone at the very last table. The Terry's assumed it was because they were shy, but after hearing some other students making fun of them, they found out the truth.

They slowly approached the table, bending down to catch their attention.

"Hello?" Terri whispered, being cautious of the librarian.

Y/n lifted their head with a small smile.

This was their moment. They lifted their hands.

"Hello, I'm Terry with a "y" and my brother Terri with an "I" its nice to meet you,"

Y/n smiled brightly, signing back to them.

"Hello, I'm Y/n it's nice to meet you too. Do we know each other, you seem familiar,"

"We have scaring 101 together," Terry had begun to sweat worrying he was signing wrong.

Y/n seemed thrilled, only a few monsters on campus knew ASL.

"Please sit down," They motioned towards the chair next to them. The Terry's sat down, feeling a blush creeping up their neck. "There's only a few kids who know ASL here, how long have you guys practiced it?"

"Um, about 23 hours," Terri said with a quiet laugh, quickly looking towards the librarian, but she didn't lift her head.

"23 hours? What do you mean?" Y/n's brow furrowed in the cutest way. Terry swallowed the lump in their throat, moving his shaky hands.

"We really wanted to meet you and talk with you, but we didn't know ASL," Terry explained.

"So we stayed up all night learning it, we have a photographic memory," Terri finished with a smile.

Y/n stared in shock at them, no one had ever put so much commitment into simply saying "hello" much less learn how to have an actual conversation.

"That's...really sweet," Y/n smiled wide, their cheeks turning red. Terri looked away trying to stop blushing, while Terry couldn't look away from them. "You guys don't have plans right now right?"

They both shook their heads.

"Do you wanna stay and study with me? And maybe after that go get coffee or something?"

Terri shook his head excitedly, Terry rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Yes, we would love to,"

Y/n smiled again, the Terry's did as well. They finally had a reason to like the library again.

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