Valentine's Surprise: Reggie

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There were few things in life that Reggie felt unprepared for, the top one being this moment. Him standing outside of your dorm, flowers in hand, nice clothes on, waiting for you. 

The last week had been a blur, you had mentioned not having plans for Valentine's day and he stupidly offered his company. He meant chilling at home, watching a movie, or even playing video games. 

But as you left you had called over your shoulder, 

"See you at 7, for our date!" 



You had called it a date which is what led him to run back to the ROR house and ask all his brothers for advice. They smirked and gave him simple advice, but he took it too far and was now doing everything they had suggested. 

He felt overwhelmed and sweaty and it was only 6:58. How was he supposed to survive the night? He was a nobody and you were-

The front door opened, you stepped out in a nice red outfit, smiling brighter than the stars, and walked down the steps to him. 

His tongue swelled, voice caught in his throat as he simply handed you the flowers. The look of joy on your face made him smile as you held the flowers in your hand. 

"Do you wanna help me find a vase to put these in?" You gestured inside your building. With how brightly you were smiling and looking at him, he simply agreed, forgoing his original plan to take you back to the ROR house. 

Your dorm was small, but you decorated every last inch that you could. The place was cozy and he felt himself relax a fraction. 

"So, what're our plans for tonight?" You ask over your shoulder, placing the now filled vase by the windowsill. 

"Well, um, maybe dinner, I know this nice restaurant about a block down the road. Or we could watch a movie, maybe take a walk?" He started to ramble, thinking of all the things his frat bros had suggested. His original plan had deleted itself from his brain as he looked down to the floor, not meeting your eyes. 

"Why don't we stay in?" You muse, seeing how out of his element he was. 

"What?" His eyes lifted to yours, seeing a slightly amused glint in your eyes. "But it's valentines day," 

 "I'm very aware of that, Reg," You giggle, not breaking eye contact. 

"Don't you wanna go out on a real date, with flowers, and chocolates and a fancy dinner?" You shook your head, coming to stand in front of him, taking his hands in your own. 

"I don't need those things, I agreed to go on a date with you to spend an evening with you, I don't care what we do. I'm cool just watching a movie in pajamas," 

His sigh of relief made you giggle again, his shoulders finally relaxing. 

"So you don't want to go out to a fancy dinner?" He squinted, truly wanting to make sure. You pulled him over to your bed, pulling out your laptop and opening it to a bootleg movie site. 

"I just wanna be with you," You murmur, patting the spot next to you. He tentatively gets up on your bed and sits next to you, watching you scroll through movies until you pick your favorite one. 

The movie plays, and Reggie stopped paying attention about 20 minutes ago, because you fell asleep, head snuggled into his neck. He wrapped an arm around you and held you close. 

When he looked up at the screen he saw the two main characters had gotten together, he smiled, maybe he could have a happy ending. 

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