Big Red Dating Headcannons

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- oh boy

- you're in for a...treat

-he's the type of guy where you'll never know if he hates you, tolerates you, or loves he.

-boy is not in tune with his emotions and will assume you can read him. (You cannot)

-once those awkward feelings are dealt with, you are now his #1

-even above his frat bros, you come first. (It annoys the crap out of the others)

-you get ALL of his jackets, hoodies, sweatshirts, and he loves seeing you wear them

-he thinks ot himself as an "alpha male" so he's very fond of showing you off to others.

- "Oh you failed your final exam? My partner aced it...just like I did,"

- "Yeah my partner wears all my clothes, it's kinda our thing"

- "my partner is better than yours"

-has actually said that last line to someone, he got punched very hard

-he LOVES going on dates with you, but he doesn't like stufy dates. That's "school stuff" you are his boo and you deserve his full attention, not school work.

-he is failing at least one class and will need tutoring.

-he's not really a romantic, but will try his best for you. (Flowers, holding open the door, pulling out your chair, etc.)

-If yall are dating when the Scare games are happening you are going to be so impressed. They train and show off it front of you to seem cool.

-it's not working, but it's sweet how hard they try <3

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