Johnny Dating Headcannons

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-well hello Miss/Mister popular (jk)

-I hope you like being the center of attention, cause this boy shows you off any chance he gets.

-"Hey guys, meet Y/n, aren't they great?"

-"did you hear what Y/n did this weekend?"

-talks about you 24/7 with the ROR guys

-they both love and hate you

-yall go on so many fancy dates, and he makes a full plan of what you'll do.

-"Ok, so it's later at night so wear something warm, but make sure it's blue,"

-you need to be his rock as much as he is yours.

-boy has a lot of trauma and feels like he's burdening you by telling you

-helps you with all your assignments

-as far as he's concerned you never have to do anything alone

-his love language is quality time and giving gifts

-his nicknames for you are (in order of his favorites):
- Darling
- Dear
- Sweetheart
- Baby

-once yall start officially dating his camera roll is only pictures of you

-literally just you

-he tries to show off to you about how rich and successful his family is, but you don't care

-he jokes that you're just dating him for his money (it's cause he's nervous you are)

-boy needs therapy but is too stubborn to get help

-you help him through his problems and he's forever grateful

-he's always willing to help you through any of your issues once yall get closer and will help in any way he can

-he's a very good listener (when he cares about the person who is speaking)

-he'll text you this at least once a day

-"I'm so proud to call you my baby <3"

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