Chet x ADHD reader Dating Headcannons

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- yall can not look at me and say this boy does not have ADHD

- you compliment each other in the very and worst ways

-you two are very in sync, you can always feel each other's moods and help each other through it

-Chet is very....eccentric, and is 100% an empath, so he feels things very deeply.

- you are a fantastic outlet, and help him process his feelings

- he does the same with you and tries to help you with all your problems

- you both have a hard time focusing, so you have stufy dates and you play music and just spend hours in each other company helping each other through the work

- He would never yell or be rude to his frat bros, but if any of them make a comment about you and how you act, they're getting put 👏 in 👏 their 👏 place

- no one insults his baby

- not even if it's his frat bros, ANYONE who disrespects you is getting hit

- (side note, all the ROR guys adore you for helping Chet and would never say anything rude about you ♥)

- you both call each other those stupid weird couple nicknames that don't make any sense

- he walks you to and from your classes, even if it makes him late. He wants to make sure you're focused on school, it's important

- if you get overestimated by the music and lights of a ROR party, you both retreat to his room and just cuddle until you're feeling better

- in short, you are his whole world ♥

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