Sully x Reader: Christmas Decorating

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Thank you BlaineEdits for the request!
I felt like writing something about Christmas!
Word count: 814


"Are you sure this is a good idea, Y/N? Can't we just put up a wreath or something?" Your roommate asked holding onto the ladder.

You pinned the twinkling lights right above the door frame.

"Nope, this place needs some joy," You say, your roommate rolled their eyes, holding onto the wobbly ladder tighter.

"Oh please, be honest you're trying to impress Sullivan in room 210,"

"Am not," You laughed before loosing your balance, "Woah! WOAH!" You screamed falling off the side.

"Hey, easy there!" A big blue monster ran down the hallway, catching you with ease.

You blushed furiously, being held in the arms of Sully from 210.

"I'm sorry," You say moving to get out of his arms.

"Oh you're alright, just glad I was here to catch you in time," He smiled wide, putting his hands on his hips. "Name's James P Sullivan."


"What were you doing anyways?"

"Putting lights on the doorway," Y/N said holding up the thumb tacks and lights. Sully nodded before taking both out of your hands.

"Why didn't you say so?" Reaching up he easily tacked down the lights all around the door frame.

"You didn't have to do that," You mumbled waving your hand, even if you were happy for his company and help.

"Nah its OK, gave me enough time to work up the confidence to ask you out on a date," He said, a blush running along his face.

"A date? With me?"

Sully laughed.

"Yes you. Do you want to?"

"Uh, yeah, yes, I would love too," A large grin spread across your face.

"Great grab your coat and let's go," He turned down the hallway towards his room.

"Wait? Now?"

"Yes, and if you don't hurry I'll leave without you," He laughed seeing them rush to grab their things.

Your roommate gave you a big thumbs up and winked at you before you left, following Sully out of the dorm building.

You pulled your jacket tighter around you.

It was later in the evening, the sun had started to set. A light coat of snow covered the ground. The gray clouds above threatening to add more.

Sully led them towards the main gate off campus.

"Where are we going?" You asked with a laugh, Sully chuckled in response, looping his arm through yours.

"I wanna show you something,"

They left campus and walked along the sidewalk of the nearby neighborhood.

They chatted about family life and upcoming college assignments. Turns out they had a very similar up bringing.

They came to a four-way intersection, he glanced down all the paths before choosing one. He speed walked down the sidewalk, you were having trouble keeping up with him.

"Where are we going?" You asked with a laugh, Sully had the biggest grin on his face.

"Here, this is what I wanted you to see," He said opening his arms wide.

He had taken them to a street where every house had put up Christmas lights. They wrapped around trees, mailboxes, even up the sides of the houses. The sun had set just in time for them to truly glow.

"Oh," You gasped softly, taking his arm and walking along the sidewalk. "It's beautiful,"

"My grandparents used to live around here and we would always drive by and look at the lights," He said softly, wrapping an arm around you.

"The lights are always my favorite part of Christmas decorating," You say, admiring one house with 2 large candy canes acting like an archway over the door.

"I figured when you almost risked your life for them earlier," He chuckled.

"I didn't risk my life," You stated, holding back a laugh.

A breeze rushed by, you both shivered. You put your free hand in your jacket, feeling a plant? Your eyes widened.

Your roommate put mistletoe in your jacket pocket before you left.

"Either way, next time you want help hanging up lights, you come ask me ok?"

"You're saying I can use you to put up any decorations I want?" You asked with a smile.

"Yes," He smiled wide, wondering why you were asking.

"So if I asked you to place this," You reached into your pocket pulling out the mistletoe and holding it above your head. "Above my doorway, you would?"

He stopped walking and turned towards you, blushing.

"If that's what you wanted me to do," He said, wrapping his arms around you. He leaned in close, you raised up on your tip toes and kissed him.

He easily picked you up, you squealed, wrapping your arms around his neck. He out you down with a smile.

"I think mistletoe is my new favorite Christmas decoration," Silly laughed, pulling you close for a hug.

You couldn't agree more.

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