Valentine's Surprise: Chet

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Chet had everything ready. House to himself all night? Check. Fancy meal made my Chip that would be repaid by doing his homework? Check. Cute blanket to lay on in the backyard. Double-check.

Now all he had to do was ask you to be his partner. He had asked you over without stuttering or being awkward, and now all he had to do was ask, no big deal right?

Wrong. He was so very wrong.

You looked beautiful, it was clear you had dressed up a little than you normally do and it made Chet's heart skip a beat.

He welcomed you inside, brought you to the kitchen, and motioned to the large plate of food on the breakfast table.

He pulled your chair out, and you both ate and chatted.

He listened to every word you said, noting how excited you got talking about your new internship. He swore his pupils actually turned to hearts the longer he stared at you.

You two had met within the first 2 weeks of school and hit it off. You had the same sense of humor as him and didn't put him down the way Johnny did. You actually cared about what he had to say.

Safe to say, you captured his heart very quickly. But he was unsure of how you felt, you were open and friendly, sometimes a little flirty, but nothing over the top.

The others said you looked at him the same way, and he trusted them. They wouldn't lie to him, right?

"Chet? Uh, Chet, you there?" You were waving your hand in front of his face. He blinked, shaking his head with a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, sorry, you were saying?"
Play it cool, Chet don't be weird. He internally scolded himself.

"I was just saying it's tough seeing my roommate out with their partner, while I'm stuck without a valentine," You fake pouted, moving your fork sadly around the delicious food.

Little did Chet know that you knew all about his crush. Javier had accidentally spilled the beans after one too many drinks at last week's party.

Now, you were messing with him, which was a little mean, but you wanted him to just ask you already. I mean, you could easily ask him, but he worked so hard tonight and you wanted him to have this win.

"I get what you mean, the guys are out tonight with their partners and it's tough being here, but I have a surprise for you," His smile was truly like an excited child as he led you away from the table, and outside.

"Oh, Chet," You put your hand on your chest, smiling at the sweet display in front of you.

"You said you liked stars, right?" He asked, taking your hand in his claw, being careful not to pinch you. He led you over to the blanket and sat you both down. "Tell me about the stars," He says softly, giving you a smile.

So you did, you pointed out all your favorite constellations and stars and who they were.

At one post he stopped listening and was just looking at you, watching you get so animated about this. He knew it was time. He waited for you to finish your current sentence.

"Y/n?" He asked, when you glanced down at him with a happy smile he almost forgot what he was going to say. "You're the most amazing monster, I've ever met and...and, you make me laugh, and I'm constantly thinking about all the things I can do to get you to smile. I like you. Like a lot, and I was wondering if you'll be my partner?" He rambled and stuttered slightly, never breaking eye contact.


"Yes?" He repeated, he was sure you'd say no.

"Yes, I'd love to be your partner," about jumped forward, pulling him in for a tight hug. The air left his lungs, as he wrapped his claw around your back.

Plan an awesome date and not mess it up? Check. Successfully ask the greatest monster out? Triple check <3

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