Valentine's Surprise: Chip

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Chip wasn't great at relationships and emotions or feelings. He figured with his past relationships that maybe they just weren't for him.

But then you came in. And the trope "I could change for this person" hit him like a garbage truck.

He wanted to impress you so badly. He wants to do so many romantic things for you, but just feels lost. So he does the one thing that he knows: cooking.

This is why you're both in the ROR kitchen mixing cake batter in matching aprons.

You carefully read over the directions as Chip stirred the red batter.

"Can we add chocolate chips?" You asked holding up a small bag of them.

"You wanna put chocolate chips in a red velvet cake?" He chuckled but nodded seeing how excited you got.

"Can you grab the cake pans?" He asks, gesturing to the cabinet by the stove. You get them out and he pours them into the pans equally before putting them into the oven.

"You're really good at baking," You comment with a smile, watching him set the stove timer.

"Blame my moms', they're both wonderful bakers," He muses, taking a towel and wiping down the counter.

"Chip can I ask you something blunt?" You say.

It's been months of you two going on this back and forth of flirting and then being just friends. You had a very big crush on him but you were sure how he felt.

"Sure, go ahead, can't be any worse than Johnny's comments when we're training for the Scare Games," He laughs at his own joke as you step forward, on the other side of the kitchen island.

"Do you like me?"

His head cranes up to look at you, if his scales were red, he'd be in big trouble.

"Um...what makes you think that?" He tries to play it cool. It's not working.

"We've been going back and forth for months, I feel like we've been flirting and I really like you and want to date you. But if you just want to be friends then..." You trail off, you feel slightly lead on and used.

"I do like you," He admits after taking in what you said, looking down at the counter, not meeting your eyes. "I'm just, I'm not good at relationships. I don't pick up on feelings that well and my other relationships ended horribly. And I don't want that for you, I'm trying to be romantic but I just don't know-how. Dating is hard for me, and I don't know if I'm ready yet," The honesty in his voice hit you in the gut. You had no idea he felt this way.

You reached across the kitchen island, resting your hand on his. He looked up at you, hoping you wouldn't be upset.

"I understand, it's a lot of work, but I'm willing to wait until you are ready,"

"You are?" His eyes lit up, a smile working its way over his face.

"Yes, how about we start with something small and well work through everything slowly, and together," You proposed, smiling with him.

"That works for me. How do we start small?"

"Well it is valentine's day, so...will you be my valentine's?" You both smiled at each other, fingers now entwined.

"Yes, I'll be your valentine,"

The oven beeped and he let go of your hand to check the cakes. Putting on a glove he pulled them out and set them to cool down.

You pulled your hand away from his side of the counter, but he stopped you, resuming holding your hand.

"What's your favorite kind of frosting?" He asked with a large smile, flipping through his cookbook.

You laughed, you didn't know how things would go, but if it had more nights like this, you were more than happy to wait.

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