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Three days after their little arcade date Harry got home from Thursday night training to Louis and Liam sat in the living room.

"Why are you in my house?" He asked, pulling off his jumper and throwing it at Niall who was just walking through the door carrying his training bag.

"It's not your house!" Zayn called from somewhere in the house, most likely the kitchen.

"I pay rent!"

"You pay a third of it, shut up."

Harry ignored him and turned to look at Louis who was sat with his knees bent up, holding an xbox controller in his hand and concentrating so hard his tongue poked out the side of his mouth.

"Alright Lou?" He asked, taking off his boots and handing them to Niall with a begging smile, the blonde boy hit Harry round the back of the head but took the shoes out to utility room anyway.

"Shush Harold, not now. This is important." Louis scolded, tearing his eyes away from the screen for a second to glare at Harry.

With a laugh Harry got up and left the living room, running down the hallway to the bathroom as he called out to Niall that he shotgun first shower. All he heard as he shut the bathroom door was Louis cheering and Liam groaning. He was in the shower for a good twenty minutes or so and when he got out he could hear Niall complaining about it.

"Could'a been any longer?" Niall asked as he walked into the kitchen wearing only a pair of gym shorts and with a towel in his hand to dry his hair.

"Yes." Harry replied, grinning at him before moving over to the fridge to find something to eat.

"Make me food, thanks."

"As if I wouldn't."

"Just checking, got to keep you in line H."

"Shut up and shower, you stink."

He knew Niall was making faces at his back so he just flicked up his middle finger and went to boil the kettle then pour the hot water into a pan. The other three were in the living room, Louis trying to convince Liam to let him pour water in his hat while Zayn just sat and watched with an expression that was inbetween endeered and irritated.

"Harry control your boy!" Liam exclaimed as he saw Harry lurking in the doorway.

"What is there to control?" Harry laughed, watching Louis try for the tenth time to get Liams hat off his head.

"He's a hooligan!"

"Who the hell even says hooligan anymore? Jesus christ Liam." Louis said, shaking his head in dissapointment.

"Just give him the hat Liam." Zayn sighed, trying to hold back a smile at the boy who was trying so hard.

Sighing Liam took his hat off and handed it to Louis who crossed his arms and pouted.

"I don't want it know, I wanted to take it myself not have it so easily handed over." He whined.

Liam rolled his eyes, looking up at Harry as if he could help him.

"Are you staying here tonight?" Harry asked him, trying to distract him.

"Mhmm, also I lost my house keys." Louis told him, smiling sweetly.

"How many times is that now?"


"You can take mine for now."

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