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It has been two months since she last saw the General, and nothing had remained the same since then.
All of a sudden, her work had gotten increasingly difficult, because staying still while other men touched her was hell. Not after what the General had done to her.
The way he touched her...
It wasn't sex...it was a reawakening; a reawakening of the consciousness. And she wanted to keep feeling that way until she was consumed by it.

She was going mad, she knew. But what could be done about it? Ever since she heard his voice in that hallway, she had wanted him badly. She had thought having sex that one time would get him out of her system. Instead, the attraction had run deeper. It was like the sex had emptied her, then filled her with his essence. Her waking moments, her idle moments, her sleeping moments, every moment was filled with thoughts of him.

Two freaking months! It felt like she was being punished for something, and she didn't know what it was.

It didn't help that he was a public figure. There was unlimited access to pictures and videos of him on the internet, and in the period since she'd last seen him had watched every single clip she could find.

He also had several fan pages on Instagram and YouTube, but there was a particular one that always had up-to-date information on him and his current whereabouts, so she subscribed to it and put on the post notification. That way, whenever there was a new video posted, she would be one of the very first to be notified.

As at eight a.m.this morning he had been in Lagos. She knew this based on the last video that was posted on the page.
Yesterday, he was in Ibadan. Last week, he was at Jalingo.
The week before then, he was at...she caught herself again when she realized what she was doing.

"Des," she groaned quietly as she walked down the quiet, mid-level passage towards the changing room.
"Stop doing this," she begged herself. "Stop—"

Her phone beeped, halting her personal pep talk. She opened her purse and slipped out the device, while waving at a colleague who walked past.
Her heart skipped several beats when she realized it was a notification from the General's fan page. She clicked the video, and stopped walking as it loaded.

Since she had been following this page, they had never posted two videos in a day, since the handler often complained about how hard it was to get an authorized video of the General.
The video finally played, and for a second it was unclear. Suddenly, the quality increased, and the first person she saw on the screen was a lady with a fully-set up tripod and camera running after the General with her paparazzi team behind her.

The General came into view in a black tracksuit, and face cap. She could see his Jeeps in the distance, and he seemed to be walking towards it with his men in tow, as always. 

"Good evening, sir!" The lady paparazzo called, walking quickly behind them.
At first, the General's men tried to ward her off, but he stopped them, deciding at the last minute to give her audience.

"Thank you sir," the lady breathed, pointing the camera directly at the General's face. He was breathtaking, extremely.
She didn't know anyone who looked this good with a camera so up close.
As usual, his face was set in stone, and he looked like he hadn't smiled in years. But his skin was flawless, and his lips...

"We know how involved you are in putting an end to the unrest brewing in Kogi state these past few months. That's why we want to know..." the lady paparazzo paused. "Will you be at the peace walk next tomorrow?"

Without pause, he answered, "Yes. I would."

Her mouth opened excitedly to ask another question, but he was already turning away, his men closing round him again like a shield.
The lady was obviously disappointed, but she said nothing, and just kept her camera on him till he slipped into his car and pulled out of the arena.
The video ended.

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