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"I suggest you go upstairs and try to rest. Because tomorrow we are shedding blood."
— MG Damola

"I'm not risking my life. I'm performing my duty as a soldier. His little girlfriend is a civilian."
— Tife

President Anini walked towards the conference room in Mallam Dauda's villa, his body weak and pumped full of drugs. He's been sick for about a week and decided to go to the hospital four days ago, where he was resting and recovering until Alhaji Obayemi called for a meeting this morning. He told Obayemi he was in the hospital, but the man didn't care.

Anini wished the ground would open and swallow him. He knew exactly what the men wanted, and it didn't help that he had nothing to give them. He wanted them to meet in the presidential villa, but they all refused, and he had an idea why.

This meeting would be a humiliating one, where his power and title would be stripped off like a garment. He was always surrounded by guards in the Presidential villa, but here, he had only come with six guards.

"Wait here," he said to them as he knocked on the conference room door. "I'll be out soon."

The guard exchanged glances and nodded with a reluctant expression. The President knocked on the door again.

"Come in, Abubakar."

The door opened, and President Anini walked into the conference room. At the door, he paused, eyeing the setup, his heart thundering even harder in his chest. A long, oval mahogany table dominated the center of the room, and usually, it held twenty-two seats.

But right now, the other chairs seemed to have been packed up, and it held six seats, all of which were occupied, so there was no place for him to sit.

He took a deep breath and walked into the room, his eyes subtly scanning the room. His eyes narrowed when he saw VP Shehu sitting in their midst, his eyes blank. Seated beside VP Shehu was Alhaji Obayemi on the left and Mallam Bashir on the right. On the opposite side were Alhaji Abdullahi, Mallam Danke, and Chief Abaeze.

President Anini stopped a few paces away from the edge of the conference table. "Why is there no seat for me to—?"

The men all burst into laughter, glancing at each other and pointing at him with a mocking tone.

"Look at this boy o." Alhaji Obayemi's laughter cleared. "Come and stand here." He pointed to the head of the table. "Stand where everyone can see the disgrace of a president."

President Anini remained where he was. "Alhaji Obayemi, respect is reciprocal, sir. You can't speak to me—"

"Shut up!" Mallam Danke yelled. He was the second oldest, following Mallam Dauda. "What has he said that he's not supposed to? Aren't you a disgrace? Since we elected you, what have you done for us? Huh?"

"I know what this is about." President Anini shook his head. "And I'm disappointed that you don't trust me enough to—"

"Shehu!" Chief Emeka growled. "Tell him what you told us."

President Anini glanced at Shehu, who met his gaze unwaveringly. The VP leaned forward.

"Abubakar is working in cohorts with Fisher's organization," Shehu said. "I don't know what they promised him or what he stands to gain from them."


"What?" Shehu snapped. "You've been keeping everything to yourself!"

"Does that mean I'm working in cahoots with the organization?" President Anini was hurt. He thought Shehu was on his side.

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