note from author/update info!!!

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Hi again! My next update will come in a few days,Monday the latest. I know it's been a few days since my last chapter but I want to get farther with this during spring break. Once again I still have the same writing assignment to work on for class (last time it was the rough draft : l). It's been kinda kicking my butt the past few days, even though there is some creative writing involved. To top it off I had 2 IEE paragraphs to write. (As much as I love those two classes this is kinda bugging me.)

Also I wanted to let you guys know that it'll be getting a lot farther into the story and the Doctor will finally pop up again. (YAY!)  It'll be getting more intense and will find why the dreams are occurring. DUN DUN DUN!!!!

Almost forgot last time but THANK YOU FOR THOSE WHO ARE CONT. TO READ THIS FANFIC! I already have over 520 reads!!!! :D

HAPPY EASTER!!!! Have a nice spring break!

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