Chapter 16 part 2:

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Yeah... It's been a long time since I've updated. I've been busy ever since the end of the school year. Lately I haven't had much time to go on the computer to type and finish up my stuff on wattpad so here's part two finally!!! SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!!!! And THANK YOU FOR THOSE WHO HAVE VOTED!!! Wow! I got more reads when I was gone; I didn't expect it to go up to 700. I also apologized about how I wrote the chapter, it was a bit difficult because I don't have a name and don't plan to give a name to the child in this chapter. (Or at least not yet...)

A young girl at the age of seven, almost becoming eight at the time is fascinated by stories. She had found a book or a journal in her father's study with strange creatures inside of it. One of them was the statues. Luckily her parents don't question that the journal is gone. The girl thinks that the statues are strange, especially when she gets a slight vision on a hotel and a room with her name on it.

She shakes the strange feeling off. Without thinking this journal wouldn't be any harm at the time and continues to read it thinking that the creatures aren't real. Her dreams don't seem to bother her as well, especially vivid one of a hotel room door with a number and a name on it.

At the time her parents decide that the family needs to take a vacation. Both her parents have been busy at work lately and were rather wealthy. The girl doesn't spend much time with them on occasions, but has her imagination and books to keep her busy throughout the days.

When her parents decide to take a trip they visit Manhattan, everything changes...


First it begins when they are in the lobby of the hotel they are staying at. The girl gets distracted by one page while her parents are talking to the front. The room is packed and girl doesn't to bother about paying attention to the things around her. Someone bumps into to her making the books fall out of her hands and on to the floor.

"I'm so sorry," the man says picking up his bag and handing the book to the girl.

"That's ok," the girl replies.

"You should catch up to your family. You don't want to get lost."

The girl nods and heads back to her family who is going toward the elevator. She doesn't realize that the book the man gave her is different than the one she had before.


The next two days everything seems fine. The seven year old couldn't be any happier. She's had a chance to be with her parents more compare to usual.

Her weird, vivid dreams die down. Almost seem distant; almost forgetting as if they never existed. She barely even notices that her book was different. It contained of small stories, one about a man in a blue box, a planet filled with people called Timelords, even normal fairytales and stories children of her age have heard many times before.

One on night after dinner the family suggests they go out. They leave the hotel, the young girl hoping to go on the park. On the way, while passing some buildings the girl trips. She quickly ties her shoe but looks up to find her parents are gone.

Wandering the streets she sees no sign of them. The girl sighs and heads into a hotel close by, to see if she can find a phone and ask for help. Once she arrives there is no one at the counter.

"Something is wrong," she whispered looking around the room and soon after he elevator door opened behind her.

She turned to find no one inside. The girl's eyes widened and she heads back to the door. A statue stood blocking the door outside, eyes covered crying.

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