Final Note...

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Why hello! It's been a while, hasn't it?

I highly doubt anyone is reading this but I thought I'd give one final update.😅  A LOT has changed since I started writing this Doctor Who fanfic six years ago. Not only in my life and my taste in music had changed but this platform has changed quite a bit as well. I remember reading Wattpad due to the amt. of free stories and fanfic. Now Wattpad has a premium service and they can charge people-like what the actual fuck?!😅😦 **I'm sorry Wattpad but I won't be paying any $$$ any time soon** Not only that but there have been some stories on this platform which have been published into physical books! **Congrats!** Also, NeVER in my life would I  think that After would become a movie. It's so strange to see that it actually happened-I remember seeing it go viral on this platform. Just the thought of it alone mind boggles me😂😅 I was not expecting that or a sequel! Same with The Kissing Booth! It's become a Netflix OrGiNaL Movie-what even!?

 Also there are more ATLAB fans on here!! I'm beyond thrilled to see that people getting into the fandom and creating work on here inspired by a show they love!!!^-^ It was one of my favorite shows as a smol bean! It was one of my favorite shows to watch on Nick and I'm thrilled that it's made a comeback!! ^-^ The show, the nostalgia, the memes-the fandom overall has low key kept me sane during 2020. **If you haven't watched it yet-please do!! I can't stress it enough!👏👏😅 Being stuck at home during a pamdemic is the perfect time to watch it!**

Anyway, back to reason why we're here:

I don't plan on continuing this.

I wanted to finish this so badly years ago but life happened. So much has changed and as more time passed, I've lost all interest in working on this fanfic. Let alone posting anything on Wattpad in general. If anything gets updated to my account it might be my reading list and my bio. And to be honest, I didn't expect to come back on Wattpad for a while but quarantine happened and I've found myself reading on here again😅 (That alone has been a wild ride!)

There have been a few times when I thought about going back to fix the grammatical errors along in this fanfic with some of the dialogue but I can't. I don't know how else to explain it but it just feels weird for me to go back and to fix something from six years ago. Especially when I don't have any interest in working on this.

It's still weird for me to go back and read this. To look back and realize this was something I'd written. I had no idea that a set of nightmares would spark inspiration for this strange mess.😅 I genuinely loved working on this at the time!🖤 I had a lot planned when it came to this fanfic and for writing future stories overall on Wattpad. I knew where the plot of this fanfic would go, I grew attached to one of the characters I had created, and I had an idea of how it was going to end. But again, I kept pushing it to the side at the time mostly due to schoolwork. Because I was so focused on that I had less motivation on working on this. 

I'm so sorry if this final note is an absolute mess but this is my final goodbye. I'm wishing you all the best of luck for the remainder of 2020 and going into 2021. (And if you can, watch Avatar the Last Airbender!😅It's on Netflix)

Please, continue to social distance and stay safe! Happy Holidays and again, wishing you all the best of luck!🖤

-   Goodbye   -  🖤💀

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