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I'm aware that I haven't update in a while. I've been busy with school and a part of a school trip as one of them. (Now I'm back to the cold weather  : l) I finally have internet access and some free time in between Nertflix and homework. (Also I haven't been on socail media that much in the past few days. Idk, just happened minus the fact  it happened after the school trip.) So much has been going on around here I know that I already posted one of these already.

I did it later than expected BUT I will most likely post another put up a new chapter this week. I already started it a awhile ago I'm trying to add more to it since it's pretty short and there was one part of it I had to fix. Also THANKS SO MUCH FOR THOSE WHO VOTED!!!!!

Again SO SORRY for my lack of updating. Otherwise I would get a lot farther into this. THANKS FOR READING THIS AND THOSE WHO ARE CONT. TO READ THE FANFIC!!!!!!!

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