IRL [13] Late Night Calls

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In the next four months Ashton physically knew Luke, he learned that Luke likes to call at midnight, or two in the morning, anything that fits in the category of abnormal hours where humans aren't even supposed to be awake at all.

He would talk about absolutely anything and everything.

Ranging from how pissed he is at someone to weeping about television shows or book characters.

Luke could go on for hours about Paul Walker's fucking eyes, because it's a legit thing that has happened--more than one occasion.

Heck, that boy would even call just to cry about how much he misses Zayn Malik. Like, honest to God cry.

("Oh God, I miss him so much, Ashton. I don't even know him but I miss him a lot since he left the band. What the actual fuck.")

Ashton really didn't mind, he found himself liking the impromptu calls that had ended up becoming a routine instead. Ashton couldn't believe it that he actually managed to slip a very important question during one of those calls.

("So, what did you wanted to talk to me about?"

"So erm--Luke, my deepest apologies that I won't be slipping any references here but would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"

"I thought we were already married."

Truly wonderful.)

Two months. Ashton couldn't believe it.

Luke also likes to do some childhood movies--and or shows--marathon every weekend and who is Ashton to deny his invitation?

Things changes drastically after one morning.

It went like this:

Luke took a shower. Ashton is left alone with the Hemmings family wondering around the house, Luke's brothers and his dad happened to be home too.

Okay then.

Sharpay and Ryan were rocking it with I Want It All on the tv. How Ashley Tisdale managed to dance with high heels throughout all three High School Musical movies never ceases to amaze him.

The next thing he knows, both of Luke's brothers flopped down on each side of him on the couch. And he knows Luke's parents are close behind.

Oh shit.

"Boyfriend, huh?" The one on Ashton's left spoke up, as Ashton recalled from when Luke pointed out their names, this one is the second oldest, Jack. He seems to be the more intimidating one while the oldest offered Ashton an assuring smile, well, that's one good thing.

Ashton sweated nervously, keeping the smile on his face, which is affected by his nervousness now and has probably turned into some maniacal grin. "Y-Yeah."

"Cool," Jack replies, slinging an arm over Ashton's shoulder. He may act chill, but his tone was still threatening. "How'd you met?"

Ashton thought over his conversation with Luke when the younger boy prepared him in case these things might happen. Apparently it haven't been just an in case. It's goddamn real and it's happening.

"Through Calum," he answered smoothly, or at least he hopes so. Everyone seems to relax a bit, huh, they really like Calum then. Maybe he should use Calum as an excuse more often from now on.

"So, are you also into Luke's stuff? You know.. His obsessions," the oldest--Ben?--asked, grinning.

Is this the test? To determine his worthiness?

Ashton thought of banging his head against the coffee table in front of him but decided not to. Dammit, Luke picked the wrong time to take a shower.

He sighed, opting to just be honest.
"No, not entirely. I watched some but never really paid attention, Luke brought out the inner child that I spent trying to suppress since my father left. He taught me a lot of things, and he doesn't even realize it."

There was this expression between parents and a silent exchange through eye contacts between brothers but none of them seemed like pity, Ashton's seen it enough to know what it is but he doesn't see it today. Not in the Hemmings family.

He didn't knew it yet, but he was slowly becoming a part of them.

Eventually, Luke's parents started calling him son, his brothers greeted him like their own brother and everything felt like it was finally complete.

Luke came around, after a persuasive conversation with his family backing up Ashton, Ashton thinks they like him even more than Luke lately.

Luke was a bit shy around Ashton's family, but they all slowly grew closer the same way Ashton did with Luke's.

And yet people say social medias are useless. Maybe only Twitter, since it causes a lot of wars. Fucking 160 characters are turning people to dickheads.

(Anyway, Luke should probably thank Calum.)


Hi hey hello it's been five months, I think. I am truly sorry. I've been busy with school, this year seems to be harder than the previous. I haven't found time to properly write, I barely wrote anything these past few months but I did learnt a few things, these are my old drafts that I edited here and there, you'll find my new style quite different as in Before The Worst, a Nouis story I recently published. Since I am canceling Texts, that's a replacement. I do hope you guys like it. :)

The fact that Justin Bieber released a song called Sorry really makes it easier for me to apologize it's up top if you wanna check it out, I meant the lyrics.



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