Kik [7] Princesses doesn't always have to be a Girl.

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Irwie77: Luke

Irwie77: Luke please

Irwie77: Goddamn Luke

Irwie77: LUCAS

Irwie77: Jesus, did you die or something?

Irwie77: I'm fucking sorry Luke please

Irwie77: I'm so sorry


Sitting around bored while Michael looks up for some shit he won't tell you about is one hell of a way to spend a day.

After half an hour of constant whines and 'Shut up, Ash' Michael finally gestured with his fingers for Ashton to come closer to where Michael is seated with Ashton's laptop on his desk.

It's been around a week since Luke last messaged Ashton and Ashton really misses him. God, he had to restrain himself from hitting Michael everytime he shows up.

And it's also been a week of an endless search for Luke over the internet. The only useful thing Michael found out was that apparently they lived in the same town -Holy shit.

Only, they didn't know Luke's face so he could've actually bumped to him like twice a day and he wouldn't even know.

"Ash," Michael beckoned, eyes glued on the laptop. "What?" Ashton groaned, dragging himself to Michael.

"You know Calum Hood right?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, one of my teammates." Ashton answered, curiosity finally seeping in.

Michael then started to explain, "So I looked up Luke's Kik username on Twitter, I mean, who knows if he's mentioned it to someone, right? And apparently he did. He also have an account called HemmingsLuke, and he tweeted it to the oh so obvious Calum Hood."

Ashton's eyes widened throughout the explanation, they're finally making a progress. He read the tweets,

HemmingsLuke: cal u fucking bitch why the hell did u spread my user on omegle

CalsHoods: idgi

HemmingsLuke: dont play dumb with me bitch what about HemmoxPenguinx

What surprised Ashton was how close they are. With the insult level kind of friendship, they must be kind of are.

Michael kept on scrolling until,

A new tweet popped up. A picture attached to it.

CalsHoods: Princess Lucas

Michael clicked on it, and there he was.

A blonde haired boy with blown cheeks and wide eyes staring directly to the camera -and into Ashton's soul if he may add- with a flower crown on top of his head. Ashton figured that Luke must be hot, but not this fucking beautiful.

"I'm going to get some chips, go ahead and picture fuck him you asshole." Michael sighed and walked out of the room, followed by a shout of that Ashton doesn't need to say thank you, Ashton only rolled his eyes in response.

Ashton stared at the picture for the next few seconds before his phone finally beeped, he fished the small thing out of his pocket before looking at what was displayed on the lockscreen.

HemmoxPenguinx: hey bitch

HemmoxPenguinx: sorry that came off harsh haha yeah but i meant it in the nicest way possible pls


sorry its short and crappy but its past midnight and im on my phone but i feel the need to update just to thank you all for the goddamn 3k in less than two weeks wow!!!

and ashton finally saw luke's face holy fuck thank you malum. pic on the top/side.

(and pls check out my other stories jokes, cotn, and endlessly pls, i've also got a new story out tonight called no control and it's smutty af)


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