Kik [1] Stranger Danger and High School Musical

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When Luke got his first stranger, it was exactly three weeks before the first day of school at fucking two in the morning. He was wide awake and is currently rolling around his bed whining about the world when his phone lit up with the notification.

BgBlckCck: do u wanna c my dick

HemmoxPenguinx: wut

He cringed at it and deleted the conversation faster than Usain Bolt can run. He hoped that the dude won't contact him again.

Luke didn't really suspect anything out of him, thinking that he added it from the recommended contacts randomly. Just some thirsty dude, he convinced himself.

That was when he got back to lay down again, his phone beeped another notification. He groaned and got up again to take a look.

Apparently, this time it's a different person.

seXeEthan: yo can u giv me pic

Well, he didn't exactly specify what picture. So before his mind himself could comprehend what he's going to do, he opened the front camera and snapped a picture of his middle finger and sent it to the dude.

HemmoxPenguinx: u need to go away

Then, he deleted the conversation.

When the third stranger showed up (messaged?) about ten minutes after the second that was when he decided he's had enough. Someone is pranking him. Like what he heard in a tv show, two's a coincidence and three's a pattern. This, this is obviously some fucking weird pattern. Someone is spreading his user.

Irwie77: Hi.

HemmoxPenguinx: ohmygod what now

Irwie77: Am I bothering you? Oh God, sorry.

Luke waited for a few seconds, considering his options. The third stranger did seem polite enough, with perfect capitalization and all, so he replied.

HemmoxPenguinx: kinda but theres like two other ppl b4 u n they all wanted dick n u dont seem to so ur not that much of a bother

Irwie77: Oh I'm into dicks too.

Irwie77: Okay that sounds wrong.

Irwie77: But I swear I'm just looking forward for someone to talk to right now.

HemmoxPenguinx: right.. anyway where did u get my user frm??

Irwie77: Omegle.

HemmoxPenguinx: shit

Irwie77: Don't swear. And what?

HemmoxPenguinx: i didnt get on omegle since like 1996 what the hell some1 is fcking w me

Irwie77: Oh.

Irwie77: Should I excuse myself?

Luke felt ashamed of his poor and aggressive typing. This dude seemed nice and all he does so far is cuss and complain. He doesn't want to scare him away.

HemmoxPenguinx: no no omfg dont go away u seem decent enough

Irwie77: Oh thank God.

HemmoxPenguinx: u seem too decent. what are u, queen of england?¿ whats up with all those typing bruh

Irwie77: Say that to yourself. I'm dying with all that shortcuts.

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