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Luke knew his brothers had a bet going on about the exact moment Ashton is going to cry at the wedding, but he decided not to say anything about it. Ben still believed that Ashton was going to weep during vows but Jack held on to his words that Ashton would burst into tears as soon as he sees Luke down the altar.

He tried to refrain from rolling his eyes when he saw Ben slip Jack a twenty from his back, seeing the tears rolling down Ashton's tears. Holy shit.

"Lucas," he breathed out, "you look beautiful."

Luke smiled gently at Ashton and wiped his cheek with his thumb, carressing Ashton's face softly. "Hey, don't cry. You're ugly when you do."

"Thanks for the kind words, we're cancelling this marriage, kid," Ashton rolled his eyes, though a chuckle escaped his lips.

Ashton looked like he was an angel descended from heaven. His eyes are extra bright tonight, what a coincidence that the night sky lacked any stars, all of them are in Ashton's eyes.

They decided to have a night wedding at the beach, by Calum and Michael's suggestion. Because Luke and Ashton turned out to be, respectively, impulsive and reckless assholes when it comes to making major plans, they took over the whole wedding planning. Given the fact that they were already married by then. Competitive nerds. Luke cannot believe that they actually did the whole Who's Gonna Get Married First bet.

"Nah, was just joking. You know you'll always look good in my eyes," Luke replied.

"There's that line again," Ashton sighed in content, placing his hand atop of Luke's.

A cough interrupted their little moment. "So, is the wedding still on?"

Both of them grinned, "Hell yeah."

This is the beginning of the end. Wait, no. This is the beginning of a new adventure.

The story of the two disney princes have just started.


A few months later

"Luke, Luke, Luke. I have an idea." Ashton bounced in his seat.

Luke put aside his drink to indulge his husband. "What?"

Husband. He thinks he's never going to get over that. Ever.

Ashton clapped his hands. "Cool, so, let's have a baby."

Luke is suddenly really glad that he put his drink before having this conversation.

"A baby?" Luke's about to argue that they can't even manage to raise virtual pet animals on mobile apps; let alone an actual living, breathing, baby; when Ashton cut him with his own argument.

"Clifford-Hood already has one that can walk and talk already. Let's do it."

And well. Some competitive assholes the four of them are. Luke narrowed his eyes and sported a mischievous grin at Ashton, "Let's have more than they do."

Ashton kissed him as a form of agreement, Luke smiled into the kiss. His hand stayed on Ashton's thigh after they already broke apart.

Speak of the devil, little Rebecca Clifford-Hood crawled towards their direction with her tiny limbs, grinning and showing off the single tooth in her mouth.

Luke picked her up and set her on his knees, bouncing her up and down.

"Walk and talk huh?"

"Alright maybe not walk and talk, but look!" Ashton exclaimed, tickling the baby's side, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles.

Luke gave in. "Yeah, I wonder what ours will be like."


Hey, Hi, Hello.

It's been...idk. A year? I'm terribly sorry. Like I said before, school has been a pain in the ass. Along with my crush, been busy trying to gain boyo's heart the past seven months. I'd be already disgusted by myself if he's not also one of my closest friends. What a pure soul, he's so beautiful-Okay I need to stop.

Anyway, I'm not into 5SOS as much as I used to be. Up till early this year, I've been diving in the Marvel fandom in AO3 and tumblr and then my best friend decided to bring me back to my Kpop ages so yeah lmao. Currently I'm into Kpop and Kdramas.

Also, even though I'm not that into 5SOS anymore, this book was still planned out to have a side story and a sequel. So I'll try my best to keep those words of mine. Look forward for any sequels in the future.

I'm really, really thankful for all of you. New readers or the old ones that has stuck through the very first publication and every single versions and every author's note of mine. From then right up to this moment.

Thank you so, so much for reading Kik and sticking with me throughout this 2-3 year (?) adventure. I love you all and I'm gonna miss you. Thank you.


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