Prologue: A Dangerous Game of Cat and Mouse. But the Question Remains...

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(Felicia POV)
-And I thought tonight was going to be totally normal...-

'Here kitty kitty kitty! Why are you running away from me?'
'Have to lead him away have to lead him away have to lead him away' I thought to myself over and over as I sprinted through the night fallen forest, not bothering to look behind me to risk seeing where he was. I knew he was there. He always is. His presence never left my side. I push myself, gaining speeds even I didn't know I could reach, as I pelted through the forest. I guess the right motivation helps. An evil laugh echoed through the forest, making my hair rise, blood pour in my ears, and my breathing increase in speed. 'Where do you think you're going?' Whispered the voice in my ears 'You will never escape me, never again~' I ignored the voice and kept pushing myself. I ran for miles, never looking back. An impressive feat, considering I was not built for long distance running. I knew I made it to the end of the woods because I found myself approaching the edge a cliff. 'I have you now, you're mine~' Came the voice again. I growled. 'Not if I have anything to say about it!' I thought to myself. Being smart, I turned away sharply from the cliff , but I was too fast and twisted my ankle. I let out a gasp of pain as I rolled across the ground, leaving new cuts and bruises all along my sides. How could this have happened??? I'm an expert runner, I've never made mistakes like this! The exhaustion must have clouded my judgment. I groaned and tried to stand up, but I was too exhausted and I collapsed on my side, panting. Everything hurt. I found myself being forced to change into my 'normal state'. I jerked my head up, my heart pumping faster, when I hear his laugh again. "Well well well, looks like the cat got tired of running away from the master...~" Said a sinister voice, coming out almost like a purr. I looked around, but even with my expert night vision, I couldn't see anything but shadows in the trees. "You're a smart girl. You didn't really believe you could get away from me, right?~" I twisted my head forward to see him in all his evil dream demon glory, standing above me in human form. He was in a gold suit with gold bricks on it, with black gloves, black shoes, a floating top hat and bow tie, as well as an eyepatch over his left eye. Bill Cipher. The dream demon who is responsible for all my misery and suffering, and he finds it amusing. He smirked at my current state, and leaned on his cane to get closer. "Oh~ Did I trip you? I'm so sorry my Kitty, but I've waited too long for this moment, and I will not let my prey escape...~" He flashed a sick smile, his voice dripping with venom. "I can smell your fear, it's intoxicating, and it's making me very hungry..." He started to prowl toward me. I gave a threatening hiss, but it was weak, raising a hand threateningly to strike if he came too close. "Get -pant- away from me or I'll -hiss- slice you..." I snarled. Empty threats. He knew I powerless to stop him in his advance. I glanced away from him to pull myself into a fighting position. That was a huge mistake, because the second I stood up, I was pushed up against a tree I didn't even realize was behind me. He placed his hands flat against the tree under my outstretched arms, which were weakly trying to keep his distance. Power and dominance was radiating off of him as he stood over me, he had a twisted look on his face, as if he was holding something back. 'Hairballs' I cursed. I tried in vain to push against his chest as he bent down his face closer, his nose almost touching mine "Aww, is the widdle kitty tired? You should take a break from your hopeless running and cuddle up with me...~" He smiled his sharp-toothed Cheshire Cat grin and his wide, mischievous golden eye gave me a look I knew all too well. "In your delusional dreams demon!" I spat and turned my head away, "Never in my entire nine lives will I-" but I was silenced by a finger to my lips, as my head was forced to look back at him through a invisible force I could not fight. My mouth suddenly felt dry and I felt like I couldn't talk anymore. Cipher transferred his finger under my chin as he shook his head side to side. "Tsk tsk, you know better than to say never to me my little kitten. I have to power and the drive to do whatever I want. You can not stop me-" Before he finished, I pulled my head back and spat in his face. Before it could hit him though, Bill froze it in mid-air with his mind and burned it with a little blue flame. He narrowed his eye, watching the flames disappear.
"Hmm, it appears the cat is being defiant again. Old habits die hard I suppose. Unfortunately, I can't have that. I assume you've forgotten our previous conversation, but instead of reminding you, I'll just cut to the chase." He leaned his face in even closer and his voice turned dark. "If you don't submit, I will have to take extreme measures..." His eye turned from his usual gold to blood red and I remembered the reason I was out here in the first place. I dropped my head in remembrance. "Of course," He continued, his eye returning back to calm gold. "That can all be avoided if you just let me into your beautiful mind..." He moved a loose stand of hair out my face, lifted my face up, and caressed my cheeks. I just stared defiantly at him, still not able to make a sound. He paused to stare at me for a moment before dramatically mock-sighing. "You will give into me eventually, I will break in, and there is no one who can save you..." His eye glowed and his smile became twisted. "Now... where were we?" He paused for a second before raising his eyebrows in fake-realization. "Oh YES...~" Bill Cipher flashed a black snake-like tongue out of his mouth and licked his lips (very close to me I might add), purring as he did so. "We have unfinished 'business' to attend to~" I growled and bared my teeth and again tried to throw him off. He saw this coming and added more pressure to his hold on my arms. I even tried to knee him but it was weak and I just ended up brushing his leg instead. To make me even more uncomfortable, he moves my arms above my head and presses his body closer to mine. "Naughty kitty, trying to escape me" he narrowed his eyes, and pursed his lips but the look never changed. That look. Ugg I hate that look with all my being. I hate it so much I would throw up if I tried to describe it. He suddenly released his hold on my arms, but an invisible force kept me pinned to the tree. "You're so feisty, like fire. I love fire...~" I was breathing heavily, my vision was starting to get slightly blurry, and in my current state there was no way I could break this hold. I tried to yell, to shout, to roar, anything. But no sound escaped. I didn't give up though and tried to pull away from the tree. Cipher watched me struggle and gave a low blood-chilling laugh, moving himself even closer to me, so our chests were touching. "Luckily, I know how to tame flames...~" His slim, gloved fingers trailed the curves of my body, numbing my movements with fire, before grabbing me around my waist possessively. He then nuzzled his face against the crook of my neck and purred, making me freeze on instinct, his yellow hair brushing my exposed skin. I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my teeth, letting a hiss escape my lips, preparing for the worst. "Ssshhhhh~" he murmured into my ear, his warm, moist breath raising goose bumps all over my arms. "You don't need to fear all of me, I will always have you by my side... You are mine... you are... My love~" he trilled in a loud lustful growl, which froze my blood. He paused to bury his nose and take a deep sniff of my naturally multi-colored hair. I took the time to raise my head up 'This is what must be done to protect the people I love and care about, and to end his rein of terror once and for all,' I thought to myself, beginning to straighten myself proudly. 'I will not be broken, I am Felicia Eco Catus, I belong to no one, I am independent and I will be strong!' My confident and prideful thoughts were intruded by his low, quiet whisper. What he said next turned my entire face pale.
"Now to make my mark, to claim you as mine... forever"
Bill suddenly pulled his head back, flashed his sharp teeth for a second, and lunged, black snake tongue lashing, toward my exposed neck.
(Sorry this took so long to put back up, but the remodification was defiantly needed! But now it's back, so enjoy!
Don't forget to vote and comment!)

Cats Do Not Dream of Demons (Bill Cipher x Were cat OC)Where stories live. Discover now