Chapter 11: Summoning a Guardien

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(Felicia's POV)
I flew through the air while Multi-Bear sprinted on the ground, surprisingly keeping up despite his great mass.
Having extra legs probably helps.
As we made our way up the mountain, I told Multi-Bear the battle plan, to which he agreed was genius.
"But how are you going to get close enough to him without revealing your plan?" He asked.
I sighed. "That will be no problem, he can't leave his grabby hands off me. I'll just let himself lead to his own demise. That'll teach him to keep his distance!"
Multi-Bear growled deeply, remembering the recent encounter with him.
"Did he hurt you? Because if he hurt you-"
"No, he wouldn't hurt me, he told me himself. Though if I've learned anything it is to not trust the word of a demon, but this time I can very easily tell he means it. I'm too 'precious' to him." I finished with a snort.
Multi-Bear decided not to push further and continued running in silence.
When we finally reached the cave, I landed gracefully, while Multi-Bear was having a hard time standing up, the climb really wearing him out.
I automatically started searching the cave for specific claw marks, and after looking up at the roof, I found them. "Multi-Bear, I found it!"
I turned back to see him panting, but he was sitting up at least.
"Wonderful, recite it over here."
I nodded and went next to him and recited the incantation.
"Ice and shadow, combined inside a creature of power and knowledge. You change like day and night, light and dark. You stand for all that is right. Come forth great cat, and share with me your wisdom, for I will be humbled by your presence."
Suddenly, the world seemed to shake as a rift in the space outside the cave started to rip. The winds swirled stronger as the rip became larger and larger until there was a blinding flash.
In its place hovered a giant snow leopard-like creature with enormous wings. It's body was built like a bear, but it had the elegance of a leopard, with Lynx tuffs on either sides of its face. It's fur was grey and had large brown and blacks spots covering large portions of its body. It had enormous front paws with delicate cat back paws, with a long furry tail. The different types of moons covered it's head in a symbolic way, and it's eyes shined ice blue. The leopard's claws and fangs that poked through its mouth were ice clear, and extremely sharp. It's snow owl wings, which kept it suspended it the air, looked strong, as if they had the strength to block the sharpest arrows, yet they also looked soft, like to fluffiest cotton. They also contained sharp icicle-clear claws at the end.
The Polarleopard landed on the cave floor with little sound. Then the creature spoke.
<Greetings Felicia, I am Yula the Polarleopard. You are a special cat, a descendent of your first ancestors. Only you have the power to summon me. I am at your service for whatever you need.>
My eyes widened. I heard her voice in my head! She then turned her attention to Multi-Bear.
<Hello Multi-Bear, It's been a long time. How have you been?>
"I have been doing well, these bear heads don't give me much peace though!"
He replied chuckling.
I looked back and forth between the two.
"Wait, you two KNOW each other?!" Multi-Bear nodded.
"Oh yes, me and Yula go way back. We've been friends for years. Yula comes to visit once a year, and we catch up on each other."
"Wait, but you never told me this before!"
"Hmm, must have slipped my mind!"
He replied, slightly embarrassed.
Yula intervened.
<As much as I would like to catch up, I have a feeling I was summoned for something more important than socializing.>
She then turned back to me.
<What is it that you need my assistance for?>
I dipped my head in respect.
"I'm sorry Yula, I never got to say how honored I am to be in your presence, and how grateful I am for your help." Yula waved a big paw.
<The honor is all mine. Now what seems to be the problem? You want a portal back to Carnivora?>
I raised my head.
"Yes but- wait how did you know?!" Yula smiled with her eyes.
<You are a Felidea from Carnivora. You wouldn't be on another planet unless you were on your hunting mission, in which you wouldn't make contact with any outside creatures except prey. And since you've become friends with Multi-Bear, you must be stranded here with no way to get home.>
My mouth fell agape just a bit. She had a powerful sense of observation!
"Wow, yes you're right! But before I go home, I need your help with dealing with Bill Cipher."
Yula nodded her head knowingly.
<Go on, I'm listening.>
Me and Multi-Bear explained everything to Yula, included the battle plan, and when we finished, she had a very concerned expression on her majestic face.
<This is very bad. By the time the sun goes down, Bill will have access to all his dream demon powers and take over the universe by bringing everyone's nightmares to life. No one will be safe.>
She turned to the sky, which was growing slightly darker, before turning back to me.
<I'm glad you came up with a plan, but we must act now or it'll be too late. Bill will arrive anytime now. If he has imprinted on you, he will to come back for you, and you must be there when it happens. Otherwise, he will cause great destruction to the forest, searching for you. Because of your special brain, Bill will not be able to detect where you are. But that means he will stop at nothing until he finds you, and he will eventually find you, nothing escapes the eye of Bill Cipher for long, even with your brain blocking ability.>
She paused before continuing.
<That is why it's is of upmost importance that you never ever let him into your mind. He might try to trick you into thinking he has won, but you are stronger than him. The only way he will take full control of your mind is if you let him. If you let him in, he will know your past, everything you are thinking, everything you will say, all of your plans. He will know everything about you. You will have zero chance of defeating him.>
Suddenly, the sky turned unnaturally dark, and red lightning came from the sky.
<He is here. And he will be looking for you. You must lead him away from your friends, away to a secluded place so you can commence with your plan. I can watch you from above, but you must confront Cipher on your own. You are our only hope now.>
I nodded, taking the weight of my new responsibility.
"I understand, thank you for your wisdom."
I then turned to Multi-Bear.
"Do you want to come with us? It's going to be dangerous. Maybe you should stay here where it's safe."
Multi-Bear bared his teeth, but in a good natured way.
"And let a crazy triangle demon take over the Galaxy? How could I say no?"
With a nod, Felicia, Yula, and Multi-Bear descended down the mountain, heading toward the big black hole in the sky where Cipher would be arriving.

(Bill's POV)
I descended from the sky in a storm of black clouds and red lighting.
Boy could I make an entrance!
I bet Felicia will be really impressed... Or at least scared out of her fur!
I smiled to myself as I thought of the different dimensional minds I had invaded.
Such fun!
Especially causing the misery of all those were-wolves I had worked with.
They had failed me after all.
I made my way to where I had left Felicia chained, but to my surprise she was gone! The chain that bound her looked snapped.
I narrowed my eye angrily as I started to turn red.
How did she escape?!
The chains I tied her up with were unbreakable!
No force on earth could break it!
I snarled and tried to find her with my mind, but it was no use, I couldn't detect her because of her impenetrable brain! I knew I should have just marked her when she was squirming in my grasp!
Damn my insane demon urges!
I growled loudly and looked around, but there was no trace of her anywhere.
Except one thing.
Her delicious pheromonal scent.
It was a tad stale, but it was still fresh enough to tell where she went. With this, I could smell her miles away. I then noticed that the Multi-headed Bear thing was gone too.
But I didn't care about it. It meant nothing to me.
All I cared about was finding her.
So I could officially claim her as mine.
I inhaled the addictive pheromone and realized it was heading toward the Shack. I growled inwardly.
'Of course she would go there! I'm going to break that habit by disintegrating that wretched building and those who live there to the ground!'
I smiled to myself as I imagined the Shack going up in flames, the people screaming inside for help as the building came crashing down on them. I loved feeling sadistic, but I had to sustain those feelings around Felicia,. Even though I wanted to scare her, hurting her would be like ripping myself in two.
I laughed like a psychopath.
Oh yes, this was going to be fun.
"You can run and hide, but you'll never escape me. I'm coming for you Felicia, and there is no one who can stop me. I will find you, my dear kitten.
That is a promise.~"

(Third Person POV)
Bill followed Felicia's scent all the way to the Shack, where he sensed people cowering deep inside the Shack. He was still red, and he grew into a giant, making fire in his hands.
"Pines! I know you have Felicia in there! Release her or I'll burn down your precious Shack!"
When he got no answer, he growled and set off fire surrounding the Shack. "I'm not giving you another chance! Felicia come out now or your friends will die!"
During this time, Felicia and Yula were making their way closer to Bill. Multi-Bear needed more time to catch up, since he couldn't fly. When they peered through the bushes and saw Bill threatening to destroy the shack, Felicia came up with a quick plan.
"Yula, I'm going to make myself known and lead him away into the woods away from the shack. You fly around back so Bill doesn't see you and put the fire out." Yula nodded and left without a sound.
Time slowed down for Felicia as she breathed deeply.
'This is it. Time to end this once and for all.'
"Hey Bill!"
Felicia yelled, jumping out of the bush in her human form. Bill turned his attention to her.
"There you are!"
He said in a demonic voice, but the red was starting to go away. Felicia yelled, "You want me? Come and get me!"
And with that, she changed into a cheetah and ran off.
Bill watched her run off, his gold color finally returning. He slowly smiled and let a chuckle escape.
This was her plan.
She wanted to play now did she?
A predatory chase.
He growled again, but in a lustful manner this time. He narrowed his eye mischievously with that dark glint. "With Pleasure~"
(Picture Above: Yula the Polarleopard in Multi-Bear's cave. ((Yula is subject to copywrite, DO NOT STEAL)))

Cats Do Not Dream of Demons (Bill Cipher x Were cat OC)Where stories live. Discover now