Chapter 5: The Twisted Tree

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(Third Person POV)
Felicia lived with Multi-Bear for half a month, even after her wounds healed. Multi-Bear kept his promise and showed her around the woods, which helped her know all her surroundings as well as all the different types of creatures.
She now knew that her party had hunted a Giant Vampire Bat, and it was a Gremloblin that had attacked her a week ago.
In return for the knowledge, Felicia took it upon herself to hunt food for the both of them, which wasn't part of the deal, but Multi-Bear greatly appreciated the gesture. He also helped her memorize the lyrics to "Disco girl", which she actually found to be a catchy song, and she in turn helped him plan the best prank on the Manotaurs, which involved tree sap, beehives, and skunks.
The two became the best of friends and greatly enjoyed each other's company, which neither of them had expected, since they both were naturally solitary animals.
However, even though she loved living side by side with him in peaceful solitude, her heart longed to return back home, but she knew that was impossible. So the next best thing that she desired was to roam, to travel, to explore the birth planet of her ancestors. She wanted to tell him, but she was nervous that he would think she was abandoning him.
Eventually though, Felicia did tell Multi-Bear, and though he was supportive in her decision, he was sad to see his only friend go. When she told him that she would visit if she were to be in the area again, he scooped her up in a big Multi-Bear hug.
With a final goodbye, Felicia descended down the mountain one last time, while the Multi-Bear was trying to hold in his sobs...
Well, the sobs of his other heads that is.

(Felicia's POV)
When I reached the bottom of the mountain, I took a deep breath of air.
The first thing I would do was go hunt, then head off. I had no idea where I was going, but I wasn't going to look back. I was starting my life anew.
I sniffed out some prey and went on the hunt. I smelled deer five miles away and started to head off.
On my way toward my prey however, I could hear loud noises coming from the trees to my right.
Curious, I stopped and peered through some hidden bushes.
There, I saw to my surprise, two young humans wandering around; one little boy who looked like he was looking through a map, and a girl who looked very excited, bouncing around with what looked like to be a pig held tightly in her arms and throwing a trail of rocks behind her.
During my stay, Multi-Bear told me many stories about humans, how they were creatures of so-so intelligence, but they could talk and they were the ones who created the radio and POP music. He told me to stay away from them, as they would panic at seeing me, but luckily I had a solution for that, though I wasn't going to do it now.
These children were none of my business, probably just trying to hunt for mysteries.
Though why they were so far out in the woods I had no idea.
Shame on their parents for letting them wander off so far.
I was about to leave when I heard the boy speak.
"Mabel quit distracting me! Need I remind you we are so close to discovering the location on this map that says where there's a giant tree in the woods that can grant wishes!"
I froze.
Oh no.
Wait how-
I quickly checked my location and sure enough, there were near the Twisted Tree.
Hurriedly, I turned back and started morphing into my human form, which I had added permanent changing clothes to when scanning the people from the woods.
My form was a fifteen year old girl. I had a orange 'Tiger Fist!' Shirt with ripped black sweatpants & pockets, with a hole in it to allow my snow leopard tail to go through and make a make-shift belt. I was also barefoot. My form also had cat ears, but I was able to hide them under my hair, which had different blotches of colors (mostly black, brown, and blonde with some red.) My eyes were brown with a hint of green. The cut near my mouth I had gotten from the Gremoblin had formed a scar, which luckily wasn't noticeable unless you looked closely.
Even though I modified it, I still hated my human form.
I mean, humans are just so weak compared to were cats!
Like, what's with these bulging, useless blobs of flesh on my chest? If an opponent hit me there I would be so much more easy to defeat!
I hoped never to do this again.
Just as the kids were approaching the tree, I jumped out.
The two kids turned to me.
"Who are you?" Asked the boy.
"That's not important right now, what is though is that you stay away from this tree. Go back to where you came from, you shouldn't be out here anyway."
The girl looked at me curiously.
"Wait how did you get out here? And how do you know about this tree?"
I shook my head. "I've been here for a while and I know about some things you wouldn't believe. So just trust me and turn back."
The boy stepped forward defiantly. "Why should we trust you? For all we know you could just be saying that so you can have all the wishes to yourself!"
I widened my eyes in disbelief .
"What? That's ridiculous! That Twisted Tree doesn't grant wishes! Who told you that?"
I saw the boy tuck the map he was holding into a journal he was carrying.
"None of your business man!"
I sighed.
"Look, I know we just met, but you have to trust me, that Twisted Tree doesn't grant three wishes when you touch it; it turns things evil for three days."
Suddenly, I notice a little bird hop onto a branch of the Twisted Tree. My eyes widened in alarm.
"You have to stay behind me! That bird is going to-"
But before I could finish, the bird started squawking in alarm before transforming into a hideous creature the size of a big dog.
It screeched and flew toward us.
The kids screamed and tried to run away, but they had no idea where to run, and the map fell out of the boy's journal.
The creature lunged, but before it could reach them, I stood it its way and brought it crashing to the ground with a quick punch.
"Whoa that was amazing!" Said the girl excitedly, clutching her pig closer to her.
I didn't turn to acknowledge her, knowing the creature wasn't defeated yet.
It screeched again and ran at me, but I kicked it back and pounced on it, punching and clawing it with all my might. Finally it had enough and flew away.
I stood up panting; I wasn't used to fighting in my human form. I hadn't turned back into my were-cat from, wanting it to be kept a secret from humans.
The two kids stood there in awe at my ferocity and fighting skill, and probably what had just occurred.
I turned back to them. "Don't freak out, paranormal is common here, and that creature won't try to harm you again, it will be back to being a normal bird in three days time, so don't tell your parents about this, or me." I pleaded, hoping they would listen.
The boy was about to say something when the girl stepped forward.
"Thank you for saving us! I'm Mabel, that dufus over there is my twin bro Dipper, and this is Waddles! What's your name?"
I hesitated, but then decided there would be no harm in telling my real name.
"My name is Felicia. It's nice to meet you."
Dipper interrupted.
"How do you know about this tree?"
He asked, getting straight to the point. "And what are you doing out here away way?"
I looked at him oddly.
"I could ask you the same thing, you two are very young to be away from your parents out here-"
"Oh we're on vacation!"
Interrupted the girl. "We are staying with our Grunkle Stan at the Mystery Shack!"
I nodded my head while Dipper pulled his sister aside to talk to her, but I could still listen with my superior hearing.
"Mabel are you crazy? We can't trust what she says just because she saved us! What if she's leading us into a trap?"
"Oh come on Dipper! She's just a normal girl like us who was also exploring the paranormal! Hey, maybe she knows about the map!"
She looked around but the map had mysteriously vanished. Dipper suddenly looked pale.
"OH NO! Without that map, we have no idea how to get back! Oh wait we still have that rock trail you left, right Mabel?"
But when he turned he saw Mabel trying to search for something that wasn't there. She looked back and shrugged. Dipper groaned and slumped to the ground. Even the pig stated to look unhappy.
I realized that I couldn't just abandon these kids here, so I decided to help them out.
"Hey I know where the Mystery Shack is, I can lead you both back..."
Dipper looked up shocked while Mabel was jumping for joy.
She came over and embraced me in a hug, which I was not expecting. She pulled away suddenly.
"Sorry, I just like hugging my friends!" She said, noticing my sudden stiffness.
She wanted to be friends.
I relaxed and smiled down warmly, something I wasn't used to.
"It's no big deal. Let's just get out of here though, before a squirrel decides to climb the tree."
Both Dipper and Mabel nodded hurriedly as I lead the way out of the woods.
Before we left however, I felt like something was watching me through the trees, the feeling of eyes boring into my back, something... Otherworldly. The hair on my neck tingled, and I whipped my head around. My eyes scanned the trees, but sensed nothing. So with one last glance, I turned back and moved on.

(Unknown POV)
I watched through the trees as my plan started to unfold. Finally, those "Mystery Twins" would be put in their place and I will be free to rule Gravity Falls and all its inhabitants.
I watched as they approached the Twisted Tree, but before they could even get near it, a teenage girl burst through the woods and stopped them.
No, my plan would be ruined!
I was about to reveal myself but I stopped short.
There was... something different about this seemingly normal human. She stood out in more ways than one.
First, when I tried to read her mind so I could find out information on this person, (who seemed to pop out of nowhere, even from my all-knowing vision), I couldn't break in.
This confused me greatly, and made me seem with anger.
I -the master of the mind- could not read the mind of a seemingly simple girl.
But there was something even more concerning. You see, everything around me, since the time I've existed, everything to me was grey and dull. The trees, the sky, the animals, the people, they all were shades of grey; they meant nothing to me.
But Her.
She shone like the brightest star in the darkest night, a luminous gold clashing against all the grey. I gasped and reeled back. No, this couldn't be possible- could it?
I looked back and realized that she was fighting against an evilized bird.
'She's a fighter'
I thought as she tackled the bird, marveling at her skill.
'She will not be easy to tame...'
I stopped himself. 'What am I saying?? I should be ripping her apart for ruining my plan!'
I started to think about my whole plan and how perfect it was; lead the twins into the forest with a fake map I placed in Dipper's journal, turn all the rocks Mabel left behind as a trail back to the Shack into bread so the animals could eat it, make the map vanish, have the twins turn into monsters, let them rampage around the town, offer a deal to Stan to change them back in return for something I wanted, which was going to be the journals, find the secret spell of being a full-blood, and rule the universe! It was perfect.
But then...
I looked back down to see what was going on, and realized the mysterious girl was leading the twins out of the forest.
Even though I was angry, I felt no evil urge to destroy or create a living hell to the one who shone in my eye.
Instead I felt something else, something I never felt for anything before, let alone anyone.
I felt myself being pulled by an unknown force toward her, like gravity towards the earth, and if if the earth was a magnet.
There was no denying it, there was an attraction.
Once I realized this, my whole body glowed brighter and I had to calm myself down in order to make it stop. I rubbed my hands together.
I thought to myself, smiling evilly in my head as I noticed Her looking around for something, probably me, then moving on.
'VERY interesting... It appears my original plan is no longer necessary. Now it seems my time has finally come for me to be imprinted on someone. I'll keep my eye on you lovely...~'
And with that he disappeared.
(Picture above: Tree of Time from "Legend of Korra" and Evilized Whiskers from "Skylanders Swap Force")

Cats Do Not Dream of Demons (Bill Cipher x Were cat OC)Where stories live. Discover now