Chapter 10: The Battle Plan

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(Third person POV)
After Bill had disappeared, Felicia struggled against the chains, trying to change her form so she could slip out, but whenever she did so, the chain would also change, so no matter what size she was, she was still tightly wrapped.
Being smart however, she used her razor sharp claws to break it and free her. Unknown to Cipher, were-cat claws were unbelievably sharp; they could cut through the hardest stuff on Earth.
After she freed herself, Felicia ran up to help Multi-Bear stand, who was slowly recovering from the shock. "Multi-Bear, are you ok?" He shook his heads to relieve him of blurriness. "Yes, thank you. I'm just glad that you are alright."
He then stood up. "What happened? Bill cipher wasn't a triangle, and... That was not a mental attack! How is that possible?!"
I sighed, putting my hand to my head. "It's my fault, I fell for his deal. He said if I gave him a drop of my blood, he would open a portal to my home world so I could go home, and he also said he would leave you alone. I was blinded by his words and his intentions. Now, because of me, he now somehow can exist in the physical world, because of my blood. I was a fool to trust to him."
I felt a big paw rest on my shoulder. I looked up at him to see his calm face.
"I don't blame you. Bill is known for being persuasive. I'm sure if you were in a right state of mind you never would have fallen for it. I know how much going home means to you."
I put a hand on his paw.
"Thank you Multi-Bear, but now my new mission is stopping Bill for taking over the universe. I have no idea how I can do that, but I promise not matter what happens, I will do everything in my power to protect the ones I truly love, even if that means I can never go home."
He removed his paw and looked at me with genuine respect.
"You speak like a true leader." He said. "What's your plan?"
I narrowed my eyes.
"I want to protect the people in the Shack, Bill might use them as leverage. I have no idea when Bill will return, so I need to do this as soon as possible. I need to tell them what I've done, even if that means facing discrimination again."
Multi-Bear nodded. "Then what are we waiting for?"

(Third person POV)
Felicia and Multi-Bear sprinted back to the Shack, where to their surprise, the whole gang was waiting for them, including Stan.
Felicia morphed back into her human form and walked up to them. "Guys, I'm glad you are all here, there is something I need to tell you all." They all nodded their heads, expecting a talk.
"I'm caught up on everything, so you go ahead." Said Stan. I took in a deep breath.
"I messed up. I made a deal with Bill and now because of me, he now exists in the physical world. He can do everything he could do in the Dreamscape, which makes him especially dangerous. I'm terribly sorry for putting you all and the rest of the universe in danger."
To my surprise, they didn't seem that upset, just a bit stunned.
Mabel spoke up,
"It's ok Felicia, we've dealt with Bill before. We can handle whatever he throws at us."
Soos spoke next. "Felicia you are the coolest cat ever to walk this earth, don't be so hard on yourself dude."
Then Wendy. "Yea man, we got your back. Bill needs to go down."
Then Stan. "Felicia, I may not have known you long, and you might be a furry winged werecat, but you saved my great niece's and nephew's life, and for that, you will always have my gratitude."
Dipper spoke last. "I think I have someone who can help us with a solution. But first, I wanted to show you something."
He pulled out a different journal, this one had the number one on it. He opened up to a certain page.
On it, there was a picture of a giant cat with wings, half white and half black, with moons on its face. Ice and smog surrounded it, with the sun and moon. Felicia gasped; its was the same cat from the stature at home!
She grabbed the journal, reading it out loud, memories pouring into her head. "Yula the Polarleopard is a very special and rare creature that visits Gravity Falls once a year. She has lived a long time and is very wise. When provoked, she can be the deadliest force to recon with. Little is known about this grand beast, but she does change during the day and night. Only a special Felidea from the planet Carnivora can find the location to summon her and read the incantation."
Felicia then noticed claw marks on the paper, which was the native reading language of her people and was rarely used.
Felicia addressed the group. "Yula the Polarleopard is the guardian of Carnivora. Legend has it she was one of our first ancestors. She hasn't been seen in centuries, using her teleportation skill to travel the Galaxy. This writing can tell me how to summon her." She then paused.
"I believe I'm the special Felidea that can summon her."
The group's mouths were open in shock. Dipper nodded. "This is why I wanted to show you this. If you can summon her, you can go home!"
Felicia looked at Dipper with gratitude. "Thank you Dipper, for finding this, and to all of you, for sticking by me. But I'm not going anywhere until I find a way to defeat Bill. Dipper, who was the person you said could help us?" Dipper smiled knowingly.
"Old Man Mcgucket."
Dipper, and Mabel climbed onto my back and we flew over to the dump, where we would find the genius Old Man.
Multi-Bear, Stan, Soos, and Wendy stayed at the Shack to fortify it against Bill should he have returned.
When we arrived, I wrinkled my nose in disgust; this place smelled awful!
"Over there!"
Said Dipper, pointing to the Make-shift hut that had 'Mc-Suckit!' spray-painted on the side. Mabel knocked on the door. An old man popped his head out, and seeing them, smiled and waved his hands. "Visitors! Dipper, Mabel, and a' new person! Come on in, I got salamanders a-cookin!"
So that's what the smell was.
I walked in with the other two while Dipper got straight to business.
"McGucket, we have a serious problem." Mabel then cut in. "Bill, the Dream Demon, now exists in the physical world and he's planning on taking over the universe! We need your help!"
McGucket thought for a bit before slapping his knee. "Oh I know what Yall hootin about! I got to remember'n about him a week ago, and I think I remember a little something about him. You see, there is only one possible way a dream demon can ex-ist in our world. What happens is that a dream demon will become imprinted on a special somebody, and if the demon comes in contact with that person's blood, they'll become real!"
Felicia eyed him suspiciously. This is exactly what Bill had told her. "And how exactly do you know this?" I asked suspiciously.
He blinked before saying,
"I'm Old Man McGucket!"
"It's best not to ask,"
Intervened Mabel.
"He has been though a lot, and his memories are still coming back to him."
Felicia nodded, but still not quite understanding. "McGucket, we need something do defeat him!" Interrupted Dipper, putting his hands on the Old Man's shoulders. He smiled wildly. "Well you're in luck! As it so happens, I think I have something you might be look'en for!" He lead us to another part of the hunt where many inventions were kept.
Everyone gasped when they saw all the different contraptions hanging around the walls. "Whoa! You didn't tell us you made so many inventions McGucket!" Exclaimed Mabel, going to touch one of them and getting her hair to fizz on the process. "Welp, I go get a'lota spare time here in this old dump!" He responded enthusiastically.
"Anywho, just the other day, I was a'looking for my raccoon wife, Betty, when out of the sky came a ginormo-cus space saucer! It dropped some alien scrap here and then zoomed back off inta space! I grabbed a load of it and started tinkering! And low and behold I got this!"
He pulled something from his back and showed us. It was a small syringe. Felicia narrowed her eyes. "And what exactly does that do?"
"Well, if injected, it has the ability to eject any amount o'blood that was digested from a physically existen dream demon, and make him only ex-ist in the Dreamscape aga'in. And if you press the button on top here, a countdown will start from 20 seconds. When the timer reaches zero, the demon that is injected will be teleported into a dream demon jail in another di-mention!"
When he looked up, he saw Dipper, Mabel, and Felicia staring at him, wide eyed and jaws to the floor. Dipper was the first to speak. "Are you completely serious?! This is the exact thing we need to stop Bill!" Felicia spoke next.
"How on earth did you know we would need this?" McGucket laughed crazily. "I didn't! I just make random inventions sometimes! Whoo whoo whoo!" Mabel smiled. "You are one crazy genius McGucket!" He waved his hand. "Aw hush, I'm just doin wha I love best!"
He handed to syringe to Felicia. "Here you go. Say, I don't think I recon I ever got your name!" Felicia took the syringe and put it in her pocket. "The names Felicia Catus." I looked to the twins to see if I should tell him more.
They nodded, telling me it was ok. "And I'm a were-cat." McGucket gasped. "A were-cat! I'm met a were-cat befor! You see I was on my way out of the ally when suddenly this big ol' cat comes out and-"
"Sorry MG, but we got to go save the world!" Yelled Mabel, pushing Felicia out the door. "Thanks again for the invention!"
"Anytime kids!" He called back, but then yelled.
"Wait! I forgot to tell ya something; when you inject Bill, you have to keep the syringe on him for twenty seconds or else the teleportation won't work!"
I nodded, telling him I had heard, and flew with the twins back to the shack.

(Third person POV)
When they got back to the Shack, Felicia dropped the twins off. Felicia thought she heard Stan say something along the lines of: "If we survive, this were-wolf will make a great attraction!" Before running out to greet them.
"So what's happening?" He asked calmly. I morphed back into my human form, to Stan's partial disgust. "We went to McGucket's and now we have a fighting chance against Bill. All I have to do is stick this syringe in him and he'll loose all his power, as well as be teleported to a demon jail. I'm going to Summon Yula on top of Multi-Bear's mountain and see if she can help us."
Stan nodded. "Sounds like a plan, but why can't you just summon the Polarleopard here?" I looked to where Multi-Bear was resting. "Because his cave holds the secret incantation to summon her."
I looked back sternly at him. "I'll be back as soon as possible. You take care of them now." I said, gesturing to the twins. He nodded. "Will do, and kid," He smiled warmly, his eyes showing respect.
"Good luck."
I smiled back, and after waking up Multi-Bear, headed up the mountain to summon a guardian.
(Picture above: Journal version of Yula the Polarleopard and Old Man McGucket)

Cats Do Not Dream of Demons (Bill Cipher x Were cat OC)Where stories live. Discover now